The intersection of AI and Blockchain: An infographic

Zach Taiji


AI and Blockchain have been making waves in the tech world for several years now — key drivers to popular technologies like chatbots, cryptocurrency, personal assistants (like Alexa), and robotics.

As these technologies individually mature and see a wider range of applications, it’s becoming more clear that they are headed towards a convergence, whether it be to improve self-driving cars or make mining Bitcoins more efficient.

If you’re unfamiliar with AI and Blockchain or need to brush up on their latest developments, TiE Inflect has put together a handy infographic on where both technologies stand, and how they can work together.

Where do you think the two technologies are headed?



Zach Taiji

I write about consumer tech, enterprise tech, marketing, design, homebrewing (beer), photography, and everything in between.