The intrinsic value of DiffusionDAO’s crazy multi meta verse

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4 min readJun 18, 2022


DiffusionDao is a subversive project integrating Defi, Web 3.0, Metaverse, NFT, and DAO. It takes the concept of “Metaverse” to “Multi meta verse” for the first time in the crypto arena, aimed at creating a future Web 3.0 Superhero homeland. Thus, DiffusionDao, the crazy multi meta verse (herein onwards to be known as the multiverse) means the birth of a new utopia.

We have been contemplating about how we can give the “metaverse philosophy” to DiffusionDao itself. In the crazy multiverse of DiffusionDao, there will be IP, stories, virtuality, reality, culture, surroundings, and DAO crypto communities, all of which that will give a very intense feel of Web 3.0.

To analyze the pragmatic significance of DiffusionDao’s crazy multiverse from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs includes a five-level model of human needs, usually depicted as a hierarchy within a pyramid. From the bottom of the hierarchy up, the needs are: physiological (food and clothing), sense of security (job security), social needs (friendship), esteem, and personal development. This five-stage model can be divided into deficit needs and growth needs. The first four levels are commonly referred to as defect requirements (D requirements), while the highest level is referred to as growth requirements (B requirements). If DiffusionDao’s crazy multiverse is the upper-level demand in Maslow’s theory of needs, what users buy is not just demand, you are immersed in the crazy multiverse to play finance, experience games, expose human nature, become a big mine owner, and participate in charity. This is the culture of an idealistic world. Young people should achieve spiritual freedom, wealth freedom, and personality freedom. Freedom is king in DiffusionDao’s crazy multiverse. This seems to be the life creed of DiffusionDao.

DiffusionDao’s crazy multiverse, as the prototype of the new multiverse, manifests the real value that multiverse brings to people from various dimensions such as economic system, immersive experience, open and free creation, virtual identity and strong sociality. Externally, internally, it realizes the real wealth of people’s spiritual world, and externally, it realizes people’s desire and pursuit of wealth.

Let’s take a look at the current status of the development of the metaverse. At present, in the field of metaverse, we will see various projects related to Web 3.0, NFT, DAO and Defi, but we will find that there is actually no implementation between the various arenas. The strong correlation between the various arenas, you can also understand that the current metaverse presents a kind of “weak fusion”, which is incomprehensible, and is also the reason that prevents the metaverse from breaking out of the circle quickly.

The DiffusionDao’s crazy multiverse truly realizes zero-crossing between various arenas. You can freely travel between the financial metropolis, the golden kingdom of stars, the selfish space, the green earth and the smiling faces of children, the world of my computing power, and more. Just like the real world, you can arrange your time for resting, entertainment, fitness, travel, etc., and switch freely as you like. The way each field participates is different, and the experience it brings to you will also be different.

At the same time, we will give the ownership of the multiverse to the community, and we will do everything for the ecosystem. On the other hand, this is also in line with the decentralized spirit of the blockchain and the autonomy of the DAO organization. We respect every community member, ideas for the multiverse, and we help community members create and realize it.

There is also a very important aspect, our characteristics, which we have mentioned profusely. That is, we found that the current rules for the issuance of encrypted assets are inhumane. Please forgive me for being angry at this moment. However, crypto itself requires a dynamic adjustment scheme. We reject the rude and unruly token issuance rules, and reject logic and loopholes. So DiffusionDao is mining the value connotation of crypto assets itself, and all of this will be realized through DiffusionDao’s native token DFS. Please be prepared to welcome the moment when DFS goes online, and DFS will be used as the main medium to circulate in this Arbitrary multiverse.

In Inception, eames said, “Dream big, honey!”. People are often bound by thoughts, and even in completely unreal dreams, it is still easy to follow the laws of reality and be influenced by them consciously or subconsciously. Only those who truly realize the nature of thinking or the nature of the world can achieve detachment, that is, greater freedom. Your mind is your cage, please join us in DiffusionDao’s crazy multiverse to break free from it!

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