The Moral Philosophy of Bitcoin

Virtuous Habits and the Shameless Bitcoiner

Prateek Goorha
Published in
10 min readMar 7, 2020


The Mind Behind the Memes

I. Bitcoin-ism

Bitcoin has provided us with a veritable catalog of concepts and ideas. As the essential merits of its framework have become more broadly understood; as ever more services have been developed to leverage its mechanisms for broader objectives; as its ecosystem has matured and become more varied and complex, discourse on Bitcoin has flourished.

Beyond technical concepts, there are simple ideas with astounding memetic resonance that have become tenets for a class of individuals who see themselves as true Bitcoiners : low time preference; hard money; store of value; #HODL; hyperbitcoinization; #stackingsats; “number go up”; Bitcoin not blockchain; stock-to-flow; digital gold; shitcoins, and a hundred others.

Each of these can, of course, be understood at several levels of comprehension. The same idea can be the basis for an amusing anecdote or meme; a more literary, artistic or even allegorical treatment; or the basis for a serious academic research paper or congressional hearing.

Who, then, is a true Bitcoiner?

Buying Bitcoin or having the loudest voice in the public squares does not make you a Bitcoiner. True Bitcoiners don’t merely parrot the memes, they internalize…



Prateek Goorha

Economist. Author. A flaneur who loves Bitcoin, coffee and cricket.