The Most Important Bitcoin Chart

The Bitcoin Hashrate Continues to Reach All-Time Highs

Bitcoin Binge
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2023


The Most Important Bitcoin Chart

No, it’s not the price of bitcoin.

It’s the bitcoin hashrate.

The Chart:

What’s Hashrate?

Hashrate is a measure of computational power.

The higher the hashrate, the more powerful the computing network.

The more powerful the network, the more secure it is.

Bitcoin is the most secure network in the world.

All-Time Highs

Over and over.

Bitcoin continues to make all-time high hashrates. Looking at the chart above, you see that bitcoin’s hashrate grows exponentially over time.

There are brief periods of decline but they do not last. Any declines represent times when bitcoin mining temporarily shifted geographically.

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