The Newest Crypto Trend in 2022

Web 3.0 Coin

X-Ra Gameverse
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2022


Nowadays, a new buzzword has taken over the internet: Web 3.0 or Web3. Many people claimed that it’s the future. But what does that really mean? In this article, we will discuss what Web 3.0 is, the up-and-coming crypto trend of 2022, Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies, and how to buy Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies on Binance.

What does Web 3.0 mean?

The internet of the future, Web 3.0, aims to give power back to users and creators using decentralized blockchain technology. It promises an internet that relies a lot less on large companies like Google or Facebook and more on decentralized networks. The core is that it is a democratization of the internet rather than the corporatization that we see today, where these massive conglomerates more or less run the web.

To understand Web 3.0 better, we need to know about its predecessors, Web 1.0 and 2.0.

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 was the first publicly available web. In tradition, Web 1.0 is the first generation of the world wide web, where websites were mostly static and used to broadcast and browse for information. Web 1.0 was built on decentralized and community-governed protocols, and the user demographic was mostly content consumers rather than content creators. In this period, the internet was mostly just a collection of read-only pages, without any real interactivity. Also, the vast majority of sites were operated by individuals or small companies. Internet giants didn’t exist yet.

Web 2.0

That changed with Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the familiar Internet that we know and use today, and comprises more user-generated content and an increased number of use cases other than information browsing, including social media interaction and online shopping. Web 2.0 is dominated by centralized services run by corporations with the power to censor user-generated content and store data in a single database or repository.

Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0

What makes Web 3.0 different from its predecessors is that it’s decentralized, more or less like Web 1.0 was, but is interactive like Web 2.0 is. Web 3.0 relies on blockchain technology, as well as artificial intelligence, to break big tech companies’ stranglehold on the internet and return it to regular people. Though it’s a bit of a utopia, still, since much of the technology needed for Web3 is in its infancy, it’s an attractive vision for anybody that is concerned about the dominance of huge companies like Meta and their desire to control how people experience the internet.

What is Web 3.0 cryptocurrency?

Nowadays, cryptocurrencies are facilitating the rise of Web 3.0. Cryptocurrencies that are associated with Web 3.0 are known as Web 3.0 tokens or Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies. Web 3.0 boasts a blockchain-powered decentralized ecosystem where users can interact without worrying about central data-specific repositories. In simpler terms, in the era of Web 3.0, search engines, social media platforms, marketplaces, etc. will be built on the blockchain and facilitated by cryptocurrencies, giving rise to novel developments like uncensorable content and more inclusive payment services. Cryptocurrencies that are associated with Web 3.0 are known as Web 3.0 tokens or Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies. Ideally, Web 3.0 aims to give users more control over their digital content with the help of decentralized infrastructure, shifting the dependency of transactions and permissions away from a central authority. This is promising for the creator economy, where users can be financially rewarded when they own or bring digital data and value to the online community.

Similarly, Web 3.0 can provide the foundation for people to create, buy and sell goods such as NFTs. Because Web 3.0 is a collection of apps and user interactions on a decentralized platform, it is likely to be highly interoperable and facilitate trade and communication. In fact, Web 3.0 aims to host more open, interconnected websites for greater user utility. One such example of a Web 3.0 app is Axie Infinity, a complex gaming metaverse that bridges gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi). This NFT-based online game requires users to first purchase an Axie avatar in the form of NFT to start playing and uses virtual currencies Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) and Smooth Love Potion (SLP). The play-to-earn game mechanics, self-regulating supply, and ownership incentives are several features that increase community interaction, and we are likely to see more of these types of engaging DeFi metaverses and Web 3.0 tokens in the era of Web 3.0.

How to buy Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies on Binance?

Web 3.0 coins have been gaining considerable traction since their launch, and the most popular Web 3.0 coins can be found on the Binance exchange. There are 3 easy steps to buy Web 3.0 Coins as below.

Step 1

Make a fiat deposit via an e-wallet transfer or bank transfer on Binance. Be sure to check the available fiat channels for desired currencies. Tips: Convert the fiat currencies to BUSD or USDT so that you can trade a greater variety of tokens.

Step 2

Purchase Web 3.0 tokens via a Wallet purchase, or directly with credit/debit cards.

Step 3

To use your Web 3.0 tokens, transfer the tokens from the Binance crypto address to a MetaMask wallet address. For a complete guide on how to install, configure, and send Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies to your MetaMask wallet, click here.


Web 3.0 Coins offer immense potential to shape the future of the internet. Get involved in this exciting shift to Web 3.0 by simply purchasing or staking Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies.

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X-Ra Gameverse

XRG is a gaming guild providing the best P2E gaming experience for gamers from alliances to utilize the functionality of guilds and maximize the profits.