The Power of Web3: Exploring Standards and Protocols

3 min readOct 21, 2023


Welcome to the world of Web3! In this post, we’ll explore the standards and protocols that are shaping the decentralized future. Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet, where blockchain technology and decentralized systems are at the forefront. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this transformative movement, so let’s dive in!

What Are Web3 Standards and Protocols?

Web3 standards and protocols provide a set of rules and guidelines that define how different components of the decentralized web should interact with each other. These standards ensure compatibility, interoperability, and seamless communication between various applications, services, and platforms.

Think of Web3 standards as a common language that enables different blockchain networks, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps) to work together harmoniously. They establish a foundation for collaboration, innovation, and the creation of a thriving ecosystem.

The Importance of Web3 Standards and Protocols

Web3 standards and protocols play a crucial role in advancing the decentralized web. Here are a few reasons why they are vital:

  1. Interoperability: Web3 standards and protocols ensure that different blockchain networks can communicate and interact with each other. This interoperability allows for the seamless transfer of assets, the execution of cross-chain transactions, and the sharing of data. By breaking down silos and enabling collaboration, interoperability accelerates innovation and expands the potential of decentralized systems.
  2. Security: Web3 standards and protocols set security guidelines that help protect users’ assets and data. They establish best practices for encryption, identity verification, secure transactions, and privacy. By adhering to these standards, developers can build applications and platforms that prioritize security, instilling trust and confidence in users.
A supportive image on Web3 Standards and Protocols

3. Scalability: Web3 standards and protocols address the scalability challenges faced by blockchain networks. They provide solutions for improving transaction throughput, reducing latency, and optimizing resource allocation. These scalability enhancements pave the way for mass adoption by enabling blockchain networks to handle growing user demands.

  1. User Experience: Web3 standards and protocols aim to enhance the user experience of decentralized applications. They focus on creating intuitive interfaces, seamless interactions, and consistent user interfaces across different platforms. By prioritizing user experience, Web3 standards make decentralized systems accessible to a broader audience.

Popular Web3 Standards and Protocols

Now that we understand the importance of Web3 standards, let’s explore a few popular ones that are driving innovation in the decentralized space:

  1. Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) Standards: ERC standards are a set of technical specifications used for creating tokens and smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. They define rules for token functionality, such as ERC-20 for fungible tokens, ERC-721 for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and ERC-1155 for both. These standards have paved the way for the explosive growth of tokenization and the vibrant NFT market.
  2. InterPlanetary File System (IPFS): IPFS is a distributed file system designed to create a permanent and decentralized web. It provides a protocol for storing and sharing files in a peer-to-peer network, ensuring data availability and resilience. IPFS lets users access files using unique content identifiers, making censorship-resistant and reliable file storage a reality.
  3. OpenZeppelin: OpenZeppelin is a library of reusable smart contracts for building secure and reliable decentralized applications. It offers audited and battle-tested smart contract implementations that adhere to best practices. Developers can leverage OpenZeppelin’s modules to enhance security, reduce development time, and ensure code correctness.

The Future of Web3 and Inheritance

As the Web3 ecosystem continues to evolve, exciting opportunities arise for leveraging blockchain technology in various aspects of our lives. One vital area where Web3 can make a difference is inheritance. The challenge of passing down crypto assets to the next generation is a growing concern, and Web3 solutions like Inherible are stepping in to address it. Inherible offers a non-custodial crypto vault with advanced features, including the ability to designate beneficiaries for each asset you own. With Inherible, you can ensure that your crypto holdings are securely passed on to your loved ones.

That’s a glimpse into the world of Web3 standards and protocols! As the decentralized web continues to flourish, these standards and protocols will be the backbone that drives innovation and seamless collaboration. Stay curious, keep exploring, and embrace the power of Web3! 🌐✨

