The PulseChain Bridge is Up!

Blaster Master
3 min readMay 16, 2023



Last night the bridge protocol that enables tokens to be sent from Ethereum to the Network went live. You can transfer your erc20 tokens and Ether to the Pulsechain network by going to

Liquidity is low and transaction volume on the network has been extremely high. Traders beware. When liquidity is low the price(relative price) will swing wildly. Slippage will occur on every trade and can be significant.

Once on PulseChain, you can trade your tokens on Let’s look at the thickest liquidity pools on the network as of this morning. I am going to do my best to show the ratios between the token pairs and not a dollar value since no dollar value is relevant on the network yet.


First, the PulseX:Pulse pair. This pool has the thickest liquidity. You can get roughly 4 PulseX for each Pulse. Dollar value of Pulse or PulseX? Unknown.

PulseX:Pulse Price Chart
Total Tokens Locked PulseX:Pulse


Now Let’s look at the Hex:Pulse pair. This is the second most liquid chart. There are two versions of Hex. One is native to Ethereum and the other is native to PulseChain. This is Hex native to PulseChain. Dollar value of the pHex token? Unknown.

Hex:Pulse Price Chart
Total Tokens Locked Hex:Pulse


The third most liquid pool is the Incentive Token:Pulse pair. The Incentive Token is the token that liquidity providers get as a reward token. Dollar value of the Incentive token? Unknown.

Price Chart Incentive:Pulse
Total Tokens Locked Incentive:Pulse


Another relevant chart is the pHex:eHex chart. If you do not know, PulseChain was created by Richard Heart. Hex was an earlier project of his. It came out in 2019. The community has stuck with the founder during the two year wait for PulseChain to launch, and this token is expected to have higher volume and interest than other cloned erc20 tokens as a result. The dollar value of eHex is $0.034. We can start to project prices on other tokens given the fact that eHex is traded on Uniswap, but at these liquidity levels you will see slippage with any trade.

Price Chart pHex:eHex
Total Tokens Locked pHex:eHex

I can say more, but I wont. If you have used an EVM blockchain before, PulseChain will be very familiar to you. Regardless of your skill level, think twice before executing a transaction. The blockchain is immutable.

Update: There seems to be an issue with people not having gas once they cross the bridge. I would not use the bridge unless i could confirm that I could get gas to operate once on the other side of the bridge.

