The Quest for Ideal Digital Money: How Self-Regulating Cryptocurrencies Could Shape the Future of Finance.

Cyclone Blockchain
10 min readJun 24, 2024


Author: Aleksandr Kuznetsov
Doctor of Engineering, Full Professor, Laureate of the Boris Paton National Prize.

1. Introduction

The Problem with Existing Monetary Systems

Money makes the world go round, but the current financial infrastructure is far from perfect. Centralized control, lack of transparency, and inefficiencies plague traditional currencies. Cross-border transactions are slow and expensive. Financial inclusion remains a challenge for billions of unbanked individuals. And let’s not forget the ever-looming threat of inflation eroding the value of our hard-earned savings.

Cryptocurrencies: A Promising but Flawed Solution

Cryptocurrencies emerged as a potential answer to these problems. Bitcoin and its successors promised a decentralized, borderless, and transparent alternative to fiat money. And while they have indeed made significant strides, existing cryptocurrencies are not without their own limitations. Volatility, scalability, and usability issues have hindered mainstream adoption. Stablecoins offer a partial fix but often at the cost of true decentralization.

The Quest for “Ideal” Digital Money

So what would the perfect digital currency look like? How can we combine the best aspects of traditional money and cryptocurrencies while minimizing their drawbacks? In this article, we’ll explore the key characteristics that define “ideal” digital money and examine how a new breed of self-regulating cryptocurrencies might just hold the key to unlocking this vision.

2. Properties of “Ideal Money”

What would the perfect digital currency of the future look like? To answer that, let’s consider the key characteristics that “ideal money” should possess.

Convenience as a Medium of Exchange

First and foremost, the ideal currency must be supremely convenient and easy to use for making payments. Transactions should be fast, cheap, and accessible to anyone anywhere in the world at any time. There should be no barriers or frictions impeding the free flow of funds. Whether you’re buying a coffee or closing a major business deal, the process should be seamless.

Reliability as a Store of Value

Equally important is the money’s ability to reliably maintain its purchasing power over time. Drastic fluctuations and uncertainty of value render a currency unfit as a store of wealth. You wouldn’t want to save in a medium that could drastically depreciate overnight. Ideal money should instill confidence that it will preserve the fruits of one’s labor far into the future.

Independence from Centralized Control

History has shown the dangers of money being tightly controlled by centralized powers. Governments and banks, while necessary to an extent, should not have absolute authority over a currency. They are prone to mismanagement, corruption, censorship, and manipulation. Ideal money is independent, with mathematically enforced integrity, giving no single entity the keys to the mint.

Resistance to External Regulation

Related to the previous point, the perfect currency must be resistant to external regulation, especially arbitrary restrictions and heavy-handed interference. Authorities should not be able to unilaterally decide who can transact, how much, and under what conditions. Money is meant to be an open tool, not a system of control and surveillance. Immutability and censorship-resistance are paramount.

Of course, this is a lofty vision and we are still far from seeing anything that fully lives up to it. But these are the core properties to strive for as we build the monetary framework of the future. With the right incentive structures and technical foundations, the digital economy can operate on a form of money that is convenient, reliable, independent and resistant — in other words, as close to ideal as possible. The innovations happening in some corners of the cryptocurrency space are bringing us closer to that reality every day.

3. Comparative Analysis of Existing Cryptocurrencies

Now that we’ve outlined the ideal, let’s see how today’s contenders stack up. The cryptocurrency landscape is diverse and constantly evolving, but a few key players and categories stand out.

Bitcoin and its Ilk: Pioneering but Flawed

Bitcoin, the OG crypto, deserves credit for starting this whole revolution. It pioneered decentralized digital money and remains the largest by market cap. However, Bitcoin is not without its flaws. Its Proof-of-Work consensus is energy-intensive, transactions can be slow and expensive, and the fixed supply lends itself more to digital gold than everyday cash. Many newer cryptocurrencies have tried to improve on Bitcoin’s model with faster consensus mechanisms, lower fees, and more flexible monetary policies. But most still suffer from the same core limitations of volatility and scalability.

Stablecoins and Asset-Backed Tokens: Pegged but Centralized

On the other end of the spectrum are Stablecoins and tokens backed by real-world assets. These aim to bridge the gap between the stability of fiat and the benefits of blockchain. Stablecoins like USDT and USDC are pegged to the dollar, while others are collateralized by commodities like gold or oil. Asset-backed tokens take it a step further, representing ownership of everything from real estate to fine art. While these provide a much-needed stable base value, they are still beholden to the traditional financial system and introduce points of centralization.

The Unsolved Problems: Volatility, Scalability, and More

Despite the progress made, some fundamental issues persist across the board. Volatility remains enemy number one, with even the most established cryptocurrencies prone to wild price swings. Scalability is another major hurdle — most decentralized networks simply can’t handle mainstream transaction volumes. Convincing user experience, regulatory clarity, and cross-chain interoperability also leave much to be desired. We’re still waiting for a cryptocurrency that elegantly solves these problems without compromising too much on decentralization.

The bottom line is that while existing options have come a long way, none can claim to be the perfect digital currency. Each involves significant tradeoffs between security, scalability, and decentralization. Bitcoin and its descendants excel at censorship resistance but falter as a medium of exchange. Stablecoins and asset-backed tokens provide stability but reintroduce central points of failure. What we need is a Goldilocks currency that is just right — not too volatile, not too slow, not too centralized. As we’ll explore next, the solution may lie not in any one coin, but in a more dynamic, self-correcting monetary system.

4. The Idea of Self-Regulating Cryptocurrencies

What if, instead of trying to design the perfect cryptocurrency from scratch, we created an ecosystem that naturally evolves towards the ideal? This is the essence of the self-regulation concept.

Algorithmic Balancing of Monetary Functions

At the heart of this idea is an algorithmically controlled mechanism that dynamically adjusts key parameters to maintain an optimal balance between the currency’s functions. For example, if the coin starts to become too volatile, the algorithm could automatically increase the cost of minting new coins to stabilize the price. If transaction speeds slow down due to network congestion, it could temporarily boost block sizes or lower the difficulty of mining. The goal is to create a self-correcting system that adapts to market conditions and user behavior in real-time.

Economic Incentives Over External Constraints

Another key principle is the use of built-in economic incentives to encourage desirable behavior, rather than relying on heavy-handed external regulations. For instance, rather than imposing hard caps on transaction amounts, the protocol could adjust fees based on the size and frequency of transactions. Users who overload the network with spam transactions would face higher costs, while those who use the currency for legitimate purposes would enjoy lower fees. The system aligns individual incentives with the overall health of the network, making it self-policing.

Mathematically Ensured Issuance and Distribution

Finally, the issuance and distribution of the currency must be mathematically guaranteed and fully transparent. This means hard-coding the monetary policy into the protocol itself, with clear rules around how new coins are created and allocated. There should be no room for human discretion or manipulation. The total supply, inflation rate, and distribution schedule should be predetermined and verifiable by anyone. This ensures fairness, predictability, and resistance to centralized control.

Putting it all together, the vision is a cryptocurrency that operates like a living organism, constantly adapting to its environment to maintain optimal functionality. It would have the flexibility to respond to changing demands and conditions, the resilience to withstand attacks and disruptions, and the stability to serve as a reliable medium of exchange and store of value. Like a self-driving car that navigates through traffic without human input, a self-regulating cryptocurrency would chart its own course towards the ideal, guided by mathematics and incentives.

Of course, this is easier said than done. Designing the right algorithms, incentive structures, and distribution models is a complex challenge that requires deep interdisciplinary expertise. But as we’ll see next, there are promising projects that are taking up this challenge and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with cryptocurrencies.

5. Introducing a New Blockchain Technology

One project that is tackling the challenge of self-regulating cryptocurrencies head-on is Cyclone Blockchain.

This innovative Layer 1 Blockchain, that is not based on any existing technologies and aims to provide a balanced ecosystem, transparent, and truly random for decentralized applications.

Key Features and Advantages

What sets Cyclone apart is its unique combination of features designed to enhance user experience, promote economic stability, accelerated Web3 development and ensure fairness:

  1. Coinless Interaction Mode: Users can interact with the platform without the need to buy or manage native coins, lowering entry barriers and appealing to a broader audience.
  2. Balanced Coin System: The token economy is designed to prevent inflation and ensure fair distribution, promoting long-term sustainability and attracting investors.
  3. Transparent Fee Structure: Regardless of network load — Users know exactly what fees they will pay, enhancing predictability and avoiding hidden costs.
  4. Token-Agnostic Transactions: Users can pay fees in any tokens they prefer, for maximum flexibility and convenience.
  5. Integrated Automated Market Makers (AMMs): Enables efficient token swaps and readily available liquidity, creating a vibrant ecosystem for trading.
  6. True Decentralized Random Number Generator (DRNG): Guarantees unbiased outcomes in games, lotteries, and other applications reliant on randomness, building trust and transparency, opening up new level of cybersecurity, new possibilities, and a new type of DApp.
  7. Universal Developer Adoption: Smart contracts on Cyclone can be written in ANY programming language.
  8. Modern Architecture: Microservice architecture, FBFT consensus, sharding, improved block and message format and more — all this ensures high performance and reliability.

Technical Implementation of Self-Regulation

Under the hood, Cyclone employs a sophisticated microservices architecture that allows for flexible development and modification of system components. This modular approach enables the team to continuously optimize and adapt the protocol based on real-world performance and user feedback.

The self-regulatory mechanisms are deeply embedded into the core of the blockchain. Smart contracts are used to encode the rules and parameters for dynamic adjustment of key variables like minting costs, block sizes, and transaction fees. These contracts are triggered automatically based on predefined conditions, ensuring that the system can respond quickly to changing market dynamics without the need for manual intervention.

The DRNG module is another key piece of the self-regulation puzzle. By providing a verifiable source of randomness, it enables the creation of fair and transparent game mechanics and reward distribution systems. This helps to align incentives and prevent the kind of exploitation and manipulation that can destabilize other platforms.

Vision for Future Growth and Potential

Looking ahead, the Cyclone team envisions a thriving ecosystem of decentralized applications spanning DeFi, DAO, GameFi, and beyond. The platform’s unique features and self-regulatory capabilities make it an attractive choice for developers looking to build scalable, user-friendly, and economically sustainable projects.

As more dApps and users come onboard, the network effects will kick in, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and adoption. The modular architecture and extensible VM support will enable continuous innovation and adaptation to emerging trends and user needs.

Ultimately, the goal is for Cyclone Blockchain to become a leading Layer 1 platform for the next generation of decentralized services — a self-sustaining, self-improving ecosystem that exemplifies the true potential of blockchain technology.

Of course, realizing this vision will require ongoing collaboration with the wider community, including developers, users, and other stakeholders. But with a solid foundation and a commitment to the principles of self-regulation, Cyclone Blockchain is well-positioned to lead the charge into the future of cryptocurrencies.

6. Conclusion

Unleashing the Potential of Self-Regulating Cryptocurrencies

As we’ve seen, the concept of self-regulating cryptocurrencies offers a promising path forward in the quest for ideal digital money. By leveraging algorithmic balancing, economic incentives, and mathematically ensured fairness, projects like Cyclone are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with blockchain technology.

The Road Ahead: An Invitation to Engage

There is still much work to be done. Designing and implementing effective self-regulatory mechanisms is a complex and ongoing process that requires input and collaboration from all stakeholders. As a reader, your engagement and feedback are crucial in shaping the future direction of these efforts.

A Call for Optimism and Action

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in digital finance, it’s easy to get lost in the hype and noise. But amidst the chaos, there are genuine reasons for optimism. With the right approaches and a commitment to the principles of decentralization, transparency, and self-regulation, we have the opportunity to build a more inclusive, efficient, and equitable financial system for all.

So, let’s keep the conversation going. Let’s continue to challenge assumptions, explore new ideas, and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Together, we can chart a course towards a future where ideal digital money become a reality.

Warm regards, CYCLONE Foundation team.

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