Courtesy of Clayton Shonkwiler.

The Real Blockchain Trilemma

Tony T
Published in
8 min readAug 1, 2019


In this article, we’ll explore why blockchain as a technology is still only known within the reigns of crypto-anarchists, VCs and tech enthusiasts. Should we even stop saying blockchain altogether?

Ten years after Satoshi Nakamoto changed the world of value transfers, only a few out of the crypto bubble would know that he was the inventor of Bitcoin. And even fewer people know how its underlying technology works.

‘Blockchain’ has become a buzzword that raises company valuations and suspicious eyebrows at the same rate.

Some see it as the panacea that will make the bankers and political apparatchiks collapse, while for others is the missing piece of the puzzle for a global digital dictatorship.

Mass awareness isn’t happening

Outside of our little tech bubble, almost nobody knows anything about it. I’ve conducted a little experiment with my dating app pen pals: over half of them quit the conversation instantly after I drop the “b” word.

Yes, that’s exclusively blockchain’s fault.

Jokes aside, if you go ahead and try to talk about blockchain, distributed ledger or decentralisation with the average person, you’ll be met with surprise and mild annoyance. So, why does this happen?

