The Ripple Effect: Why World Powers Are Concerned About Cryptocurrency Dominance

Orima Dirano
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2023


Cryptocurrencies have disrupted the traditional financial landscape, raising concerns among global financial institutions and governments, including entities like the World Bank and the Federal Reserve. While cryptocurrency has been celebrated for its innovative potential, there are several reasons why these institutions are apprehensive about its growing influence and dominance in the financial market.

1. Lack of Control:

One of the primary concerns is the loss of control over the monetary system. Central banks and governments have historically held the authority to issue and regulate national currencies. Cryptocurrencies, being decentralized and borderless, challenge this control. This loss of control can have far-reaching consequences, impacting monetary policy, financial stability, and even governments’ ability to manage their economies effectively.

2. Financial Stability:

The explosive growth of cryptocurrencies has raised questions about financial stability. The highly volatile nature of cryptocurrencies can lead to market disruptions, affecting both traditional financial markets and the broader economy. Regulatory bodies worry about the potential for significant financial crises if cryptocurrencies were to become a dominant force without effective regulation.

3. Anti-Money Laundering and Illicit Activities:

Cryptocurrencies offer a degree of anonymity, making them attractive to individuals and organizations engaged in illegal activities, including money laundering, terrorism financing, and tax evasion. Regulators are concerned about the lack of transparency and the potential for cryptocurrencies to facilitate criminal behavior.

4. Tax Evasion and Revenue Loss:

Governments rely on taxation to fund public services and infrastructure. Cryptocurrencies can enable tax evasion by providing individuals and businesses with opportunities to hide income and assets. This poses a significant threat to government revenue streams, potentially affecting essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

5. Consumer Protection:

The cryptocurrency market is notorious for its lack of investor protection. Unlike traditional financial markets, which are subject to stringent regulations, the cryptocurrency space is relatively unregulated. This can leave investors vulnerable to fraud, scams, and market manipulation.

6. Currency Devaluation:

The rise of cryptocurrencies can also lead to the devaluation of national currencies. If cryptocurrencies gain widespread acceptance, they could siphon value away from traditional fiat currencies, potentially eroding trust in the financial systems of nation-states.

7. Technological Shifts:

Cryptocurrencies are a manifestation of blockchain technology, which has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of finance and beyond. World powers worry that failing to adapt to these technological shifts could leave them at a competitive disadvantage on the global stage.

In summary, the concerns of global financial institutions and governments about the dominance of cryptocurrencies stem from the potential disruptions and challenges they pose to the existing financial order. While cryptocurrencies offer numerous advantages, including increased financial inclusion and innovation, their rapid growth and relative lack of regulation have triggered a cautious response from traditional financial powerhouses. Striking a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring financial stability will be an ongoing challenge for policymakers and regulators as cryptocurrencies continue to evolve and gain prominence in the financial market.

