The SEC has successively issued accusations and warning notices against different projects. When will U.S. cryptocurrency regulation be finalized?

Published in
6 min readMay 13, 2024

Highlights of this week (4/5–10/5)

  1. What’s the future for cryptocurrency projects under the scrutiny of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?
  2. OpenAI launches a new search engine, can it challenge Google’s dominance?
  3. launches tokens and new features. What effects will it bring?

中文版本(Chinese Version):

What’s the future for cryptocurrency projects under the scrutiny of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?

One of the biggest challenges facing the cryptocurrency space in recent years has undoubtedly been the tight regulation from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As one of the important regulatory agencies in the United States, the SEC’s influence on cryptocurrency cannot be underestimated. Its recent accusations against multiple well-known projects have attracted widespread attention in the industry. These accusations mainly revolve around securities laws, and the companies involved include well-known decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap, as well as centralized exchanges such as Coinbase and Kraken.

At the heart of these accusations is the question of whether cryptocurrencies constitute “securities.” So far, the SEC has not given a clear definition on this, and there are also differences within the agency on how to regulate this emerging market, which further increases market uncertainty. For example, some SEC members publicly pointed out that there are different opinions on the regulatory strategy of cryptocurrency within the committee. This opaque regulatory attitude has brought additional risks and challenges to the encryption market.

In the face of SEC accusations, major exchanges and crypto projects have had to take defensive measures. They have generally criticized the U.S.’s approach to regulating crypto assets as insufficiently transparent, pointing to inappropriate wording in many of the lawsuit documents. The feedback reflects widespread dissatisfaction and concerns in the crypto industry about the current regulatory environment.

I think that in the short term, cryptocurrency projects will probably still be in this opaque regulatory atmosphere. The SEC seems intent on continuing to put pressure on the crypto market, and related legal actions and disputes will continue to exist for some time in the future. If we want to get a clearer and clearer plan, I think we need to go through the US election. After the election is completed, it may bring a new direction for cryptocurrency regulation.

Cryptocurrency has become a hot topic during the upcoming US election. Current polls show that Trump’s approval rating among registered voters in the United States is stable at 49%, while Biden’s approval rating is 43%. Given that the Republican Party has a more friendly attitude toward cryptocurrencies, if Republican candidate Trump can win the election, this may be good news for the crypto market. After he is elected, perhaps he can provide a clearer and more friendly regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies, thus bringing a positive development boost to the entire industry.

OpenAI launches a new search engine, can it challenge Google’s dominance?

OpenAI recently announced that it will launch its own artificial intelligence search engine, a move intended to directly challenge Google’s dominance in the search market. Since the launch of ChatGPT in 2022, OpenAI has led the revolution in the application of AI technology in multiple fields. From image generation to automated text generation, the scope of AI applications is increasingly expanding.

OpenAI recently revealed the details of a search engine that provides a new search experience, which is a major challenge for the search engine market that has long been dominated by Google. Since Google’s rise in 2004, it has successfully replaced Yahoo and become the market leader. However, as technology develops and AI advances, Google’s unique position may be challenged.

Although Google has been actively developing its own AI technology and recently launched the Gemini project that integrates generative artificial intelligence capabilities, the entry of OpenAI may change the rules of the game. The advantage of AI search engines is that they can provide more personalized and accurate search results. They use AI engines to learn users’ search habits and continuously adjust their responses to provide information that better meets user needs. This is incomparable with traditional search algorithms. . Faced with these circumstances, I think Google will also actively study related issues and projects to ensure that it can remain the first place in web search engines.

Although OpenAI’s artificial intelligence search engine has not yet been launched, it is difficult to predict its performance in the market and whether it can truly shake Google’s position. But I think traditional search engines often affect search results due to SEO (search engine optimization) optimization skills. Products and products may not be in the best search result positions due to lack of relevant skills. Search engines powered by AI should be able to provide more neutral results. And high-quality content can also ensure that search results are suitable for users.

Whether a search engine using OpenAI will provide a more efficient and personalized search experience than existing options. We may need to wait for the product to be launched on the market before we can discuss it further. For ordinary users like me, I expect OpenAI to provide a more accurate and customized search results engine to improve our daily Internet experience. launches $FRIEND token and new features, how will it lead the SocialFi track?

The SocialFi track is gradually becoming one of the most watched areas in this bull market cycle. As a leading project on the track, announced a series of important updates last week, including the launch of its own token $FRIEND. This move has undoubtedly deepened the market’s expectations and attention for it.

Since its launch in August 2023, has quickly become a social craze. Although the early version had some flaws in the experience, such as occasional lags, this did not stop users from participating enthusiastically. In the early days, almost every Twitter user on the platform was looking for invitation codes and actively purchased keys from different KOLs, demonstrating its unique appeal.

So far, has launched the V2 version and introduced the Club function. The upcoming Keydrops, Memeclubs and Pinned Rooms functions herald further expansion of the platform’s functions. Through the Club function, users can not only create their own social circles on, but also set the threshold for joining these circles. This customized social experience allows users to participate more deeply.

The introduction of Club provides users with more diversified ways to interact, allowing them to build communities based on the needs and preferences of creators. It is expected that the future launch of Memeclubs will provide a dedicated platform for users to share and exchange the content of the meme currency project, which may further attract more users to participate in the ecosystem.

With the introduction of more and more innovative features, I think is expected to open up a new development path in the SocialFi field and bring users an unprecedented Social Fi social network experience.




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