🌐 The United Nations Plan to Rule Us All?

Published in
11 min readAug 22, 2023


GM, Web3Daily readers!

🌟 Glance at Today’s Edition:

🌐 UN’s “Global Digital Compact” for an open, free, secure digital future

🤝 Antonio Guterres’s collaboration with WEF for SDGs through digitization

🌐 Digital advancements potential for control, privacy, freedom concerns

📆 Governments expected to approve plan at September 2024 summit

🌐 UN’s control ambitions span internet, AI, more

🔗 UN and WEF collaboration potential to reshape the world

🕵️ ♂️ Private sector cautious, public sector more receptive

🎯 Focal points: digital IDs, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

💡 Goals: Digital equality, empowering all, secure cyberspace, AI governance

🤖 UN’s concern about AI-generated content

🌐 UN’s desire for AI regulation and global body for oversight

📢 UN wants governments to clamp down on hate speech

🚀 Antonio’s push for digitization, integration of 2.7 billion

🏛️ Public sector involvement, potential for mandatory digital IDs

🌍 Is UN Trying to Control Us All?

🌟 When Governments Talk, Do We Listen?

Let’s delve into a topic that holds significant importance for all of us: the decisions made by governments behind closed doors, decisions that can shape our lives without our direct input.

Have you ever found yourself puzzled by certain policies that seem to appear out of thin air, without your voice being part of the conversation? You’re definitely not alone! It’s becoming apparent that governments are drawing influences from sources beyond their citizens, such as corporate lobbyists and international organizations that might not be entirely accountable. The question lingers: who is truly in control here?

Let’s take a step back for a moment. Recently, I stumbled upon an intriguing video that shed light on this very issue, and it had my mind racing with thoughts. You know that “aha” moment when things suddenly start making sense? That’s exactly what happened to me. So, let me break it down for you: The United Nations, yes, that massive global entity, seems to be cooking up something called a “Global Digital Compact.” But what does that entail, you ask? Well, let’s unpack it step by step.

🌐 Introducing the UN’s Digital Compact

Imagine this: A report titled “A Global Digital Compact: An open, free, and secure digital future for all,” published by the UN after a four-year effort. Hats off to the person who dedicated their time to this endeavor — perhaps even Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, himself. You might recall Antonio’s speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) earlier this year, where he revealed a collaboration between the WEF and the UN to promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He is on a mission to bring these goals to life through digitization.

However, like any significant shift, there’s another side to the coin. While digital advancements offer tremendous potential, they also raise concerns about control, privacy, and freedom of expression. Antonio’s call for “new governance arrangements” prompts reflections on the possibility of unprecedented digital oversight.

Now, fast forward a bit. This report, seemingly spearheaded by Antonio, spills the beans on the UN’s vision. It all ties into those SDGs I mentioned earlier, those 17 ambitious milestones countries aim to achieve by 2030. They’re not merely objectives; they serve as the driving force behind this digital transformation. They’re delving into concepts like digital IDs, digital currencies, and various forms of digitization to usher us into a new era. However, here’s the twist: it’s all about control. The UN has its sights set on both the private and public sectors, envisioning a world where everyone is connected to their system.

📆 The 2024 Summit That Might Change It All

Things get even more intriguing. Antonio reveals that governments worldwide are expected to give their approval to this plan at a summit set for September 2024. Mark that date on your calendars! But let’s not blindly follow along, right? These changes could have far-reaching impacts on our lives, ones we might not even anticipate. In his report, Antonio discusses the need for “governance” in this digital future, which essentially translates to a form of control. And what’s under this control? Well, just about everything!

But, hold on! Antonio’s ambitions span everything from regulating the internet to managing artificial intelligence (AI). He even hints at establishing a global body to oversee all things AI. It’s as if he aims to ensure that even the most advanced AI creations remain within digital bounds. And if that weren’t enough, there’s an extensive list of other goals, such as promoting gender equality in the digital realm and controlling the internet to combat disinformation and hate speech. It feels like a digital dystopian story unfolding before our eyes!

Yet, there’s a glimmer of hope. You might be thinking, “What can I, as an individual, do against this massive global force?” Well, here’s a curveball: history has shown that the UN often proposes initiatives that don’t necessarily come to fruition. So, there’s a possibility that this grand digital plan might not fully materialize. Plus, with the world’s divisions as they are, achieving unanimous agreement seems like quite the uphill battle.

Amidst these complexities, one thing remains clear — this is a moment of transformation, a time when our digital future is being sculpted right before our eyes. The UN’s Digital Compact might just provide the blueprint required to build a more sustainable, interconnected, and equitable world or bring a change that will allow governments to have an even greater control over its citizens. Which one is more likely I am leaving for you to decide.

🔗 UN and WEF Partnership

Imagine a scenario where the UN and The World Economic Forum (WEF) collaborate, holding the potential to reshape our world. Envision the UN, a global entity, partnering with the WEF, known for its high-profile Davos meetings. This partnership has deeper implications than meet the eye, intertwining the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the WEF’s influence to guide our trajectory.

The private sector, represented by the WEF, seems cautious about the UN’s extensive plans. The UN’s policies don’t always align with the private sector’s profit-oriented mindset. Nonetheless, the public sector — that is, our governments — appears more receptive to the UN’s vision. Antonio even encourages politicians at the WEF to prioritize the UN’s agenda over domestic concerns.

Let’s delve into the buzzwords shaping this UN-WEF narrative: digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). These are the focal points of this story. Imagine a universal digital ID that transcends borders, offering access to public services. But beneath the surface, there’s a deeper push — a desire for control. Connecting everyone to this digital framework promises profits for the private sector and control for the public sector.

However, let’s face the reality. Is everyone truly dancing to this tune? Not entirely. Antonio expresses concerns about inequality, attributing it to the digital divide. He believes that limited digital access fuels global disparities. While his intentions may be commendable, some argue that inequality is a broader economic issue, extending beyond tech access.

Now, enter the COVID-19 pandemic. Antonio acknowledges the digital progress amid chaos, viewing it as a silver lining. He’s right — digitization did keep us connected during isolation.

This leads to a crucial question: Can we halt this digital momentum? Can we hit pause on the UN-WEF spectacle? It’s a complex issue. History shows that global agreements aren’t always guaranteed success. Some fade into obscurity. The world is diverse, with competing interests. Achieving unanimous agreement is akin to herding digital cats.

And here’s the twist: technology moves faster than UN resolutions. Cryptocurrencies, AI, and other innovations are tools of both control and liberation. They have the power to reshape the narrative, and the UN is aware of this. The digital future remains malleable, a fluid story we’re all contributing to. Let’s hope it becomes a story of freedom, equality, and progress.

💡 A Look at the Objectives

So, what exactly does the UN aim to achieve with this digital compact? Let’s explore the goals more closely:

  • Digital Equality: The initial step focuses on bridging the digital divides that exist. The goal is to ensure that everyone has equal access to the online world.
  • Empowering All: The compact has its sights set on achieving gender equality and labor rights within the digital sphere — aiming to level the playing field.
  • Secure Cyberspace: Recognizing the potential for misinformation and hate online, the compact strives to create a safer digital environment while preserving freedom of expression.
  • AI Governance: With rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, the compact seeks to establish clear regulations for the responsible and ethical use of AI.

In the grand scheme of things, what’s the UN’s vision for this compact? It’s more than just control — it’s about steering technology and innovation toward addressing global challenges. The compact underscores the need for close collaboration between governments and businesses, as the private sector’s profit motive aligns with the public sector’s control objectives in the realm of digitization.

🗺️ Antonio’s and UN Plans in More Detail

Let’s not forget AI — artificial intelligence. Antonio worries that AI is producing too much content, including misinformation. So, the UN wants to rein in AI to ensure it only generates content they approve of. To counter this, he’s advocating for more control and governance. He even hints at the creation of a global body to regulate AI — almost like something from a science fiction story.

Now, here’s where things get intricate. Antonio’s perspective paints digitization as a solution to society’s challenges. He believes that innovation should be directed towards addressing global issues and managing populations. But, isn’t this supposed to be a collaborative endeavor?

Speaking of collaboration, Antonio envisions a “Global Digital Compact” that’s somewhat comparable to tackling climate change. Yet, instead of saving the environment, it’s about regulating and intervening in the digital world. His vision involves harmonizing digital sustainability standards globally, implying greater control over our digital experiences.

Oh, and about the Internet — the UN is concerned it might become a chaotic space. They’re advocating for governments to clamp down on what they consider “hate speech”. Antonio’s plan extends to content control. He’s determined to combat online disinformation and hate speech. While that’s commendable, it also raises concerns about freedom of expression and the risk of censorship. He even suggests “trust labels” for content — think of it as a digital version of “certified organic”. It’s like turning the Internet into a well-mannered digital classroom.

So, what’s the larger picture? Antonio’s vision is grand — uniting governments, private sectors, and individuals under one digital umbrella. But, let’s be realistic — technology evolves faster than bureaucratic structures. Antonio’s plans are intricate, but they’re not without challenges. The global landscape is diverse, with differing ideologies and tensions making a unified approach complex.

And guess what? The UN wants everyone to share their data. Yes, all of it. They want to track how close we are to achieving those SDGs. But isn’t data privacy important? Well, not so much in the UN’s plan.

💡 How Does This Affect You and Me?

The United Nations’ ambitious plans for digitization. Now, you might be wondering, “How does this impact me?” Well, I’m here to explain it to you in a way that’s as straightforward as a friendly conversation.

Imagine this: you’re going about your day, and you hear about a digital compact that governments worldwide are set to agree upon. It might sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but it’s real — the Global Digital Compact.

Open, free and secure digital future for all.” Sounds harmless, right? But don’t let the title deceive you. This compact is the UN’s way of shaping the digital world, and it’s taken four years to create. Four years of work! It’s like crafting a masterpiece to transform our digital lives.

Here’s the intriguing part — this isn’t just about governments and politicians making decisions in isolation. Nope, this is where we, the people, come in. The UN stresses involving stakeholders, and guess what? That includes you and me. We’re not mere bystanders; we’re integral to this digital transformation.

But wait, there’s more to uncover. Antonio advocates for integrating everyone into the digital realm. He’s determined to digitize the remaining 2.7 billion individuals worldwide. However, he acknowledges that not everyone is on board with this grand digital narrative. This is where the public sector comes in, with governments potentially requiring digital IDs for accessing public services, education, and cultural experiences. Can you imagine needing a digital ID to read a book or practice your faith? It’s a complex situation.

Antonio is also advocating for digitization as a solution to many problems, but he also hints that not everyone is eager to join this digital movement. So, governments are being encouraged to steer us in the right direction by making digital IDs mandatory for public services — think health, education, and culture. It’s like saying, “No digital ID, no entry!”

The UN’s plans are intricate, involving governments, private sector players, and everyday individuals like us. It’s like mastering a choreographed dance, where every step counts.

But here’s what you need to know — not all UN initiatives materialize. Getting everyone on the same page is no small feat. Also, technology evolves rapidly, and it’s a force that can’t be slowed. So, whether this digital compact becomes reality or remains a concept, only time will tell.

In the meantime, stay attentive and curious. Stay informed about the shifts happening around you. And remember, every great story has its twists and turns, its heroes and obstacles. You might find yourself playing a role you didn’t expect in this unfolding tale of digitization and global collaboration.

🔍 Action Items and Next Steps

1️⃣ Decode the Digital Compact: Unravel the layers of the “Global Digital Compact.” This report, a product of years of effort, offers insights into the UN’s vision for a digitized world. Seek to understand the core principles driving this compact and how they might influence your digital experience.

2️⃣ Explore Digital Equality: Dive into the concept of digital equality. Discover how the UN aims to bridge the gap between those with access to technology and those without. Investigate the potential implications of universal digital IDs for individuals and governments alike.

3️⃣ Unpack the Control Narrative: Analyze the balance between control and innovation in the UN’s narrative. Delve into the nuances of managing artificial intelligence (AI) and regulating the internet. Consider the potential consequences of these measures on privacy, expression, and empowerment.

4️⃣ Follow the Partnership Threads: Trace the partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Investigate the intersection of private sector profit motives and public sector control objectives. How might this collaboration reshape the trajectory of technology and governance?

5️⃣ Question the Role of Data: Reflect on the concept of data sharing within the UN’s vision. Explore the implications of individuals sharing their data for tracking progress towards Sustainable Development Goals. Consider the trade-offs between data privacy and global progress.

6️⃣ Empower Yourself as a Stakeholder: Recognize your role as a stakeholder in this digital transformation. Investigate avenues through which individuals can influence these developments. Understand how your voice can be part of the conversation shaping the future of digital governance.

7️⃣ Engage in Constructive Dialogue: Engage in discussions surrounding the UN’s Digital Compact. Exchange ideas with peers, experts, and organizations to gain diverse perspectives on its potential impact. Foster an environment for open discourse and critical analysis.

📖 Sources and further reading

UN Global Digital Compact Full Document

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Wiktor Grzyb

Founder & Editor, Web3Daily




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