The Weight of Attachment: Letting Go of the Past and Embracing the Present

A Spiritual Reflection on the Dangers of Attachment and the Importance of Surrender

Mohamed, Ph.D
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2024


We’ve all been there — stuck in the past, reliving memories and emotions that no longer serve us. We cling to the familiar, even when it’s toxic, because it’s comfortable and we know what to expect. But at what cost? The weight of attachment can be suffocating, holding us back from living fully and embracing the present moment.

I know this feeling all too well. Recently, I found myself struggling to let go of a past relationship that had ended. I was consumed by thoughts of what could have been, what went wrong, and why I wasn’t good enough. But as I delved deeper into my emotions, I realized that my attachment to the past wasn’t just about the other person — it was about my own sense of identity and self-worth.

The Quran stated clearly: “And whoever is held back by his greed, then calamity will be theirs until they recognize what they have sent ahead (i.e., the good deeds they have done). And whoever is saved from the stinginess of his own soul, then those are indeed the successful ones.” (Quran 59:9)

Photo by Ahmed on Unsplash

It’s easy to get caught up in our ego and sense of self, isn’t it? We define ourselves by our relationships, our accomplishments, and our possessions. But what happens when these things are taken away? Do we lose ourselves? Do we become nothing more than a collection of memories and emotions?

I think that’s what happened to us. I was so attached to who I was in that relationship that I couldn’t imagine being anyone else. I was afraid of losing myself, of being undefined and uncertain. But as I began to let go of my attachment to the past, I realized that this fear was rooted in a deep-seated insecurity.

It’s scary to admit that we’re not good enough, that we’re not enough just as we are. But what if we’re not supposed to be enough? What if our imperfections and flaws are what make us unique and beautiful? What if our worth comes from within, rather than from external validation?

“The ego is a stubborn enemy, and it is more difficult to overcome than any external enemy. It is the ego that causes us to cling to our attachments and desires, even when they are no longer beneficial to us.” — Imam Ghazali

As I began to surrender my attachment to my ego and sense of self, I started to feel a sense of freedom that I had never experienced before. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I could finally breathe deeply and live fully.

But this isn’t easy, is it? It takes courage to let go of the familiar and step into the unknown. It takes trust to surrender our fears and doubts and have faith that everything will work out for our highest good.

And yet, it’s the only way to truly move forward. We can’t keep reliving the past, replaying old tapes, and rehashing old emotions. We can’t keep clinging to our attachments and expecting them to bring us joy. We have to let go and trust that we will always be connected to the universe and to ourselves, even when we are apart from others.

This is what I’ve learned on my journey: that letting go of attachment is not about losing ourselves, but about finding ourselves. It’s about embracing our true nature and living in the present moment.

So, dear readers, I urge you to take a step back from your attachments and look at them with curiosity. Are they holding you back or propelling you forward? Are they bringing you joy or causing you pain?

And if they’re holding you back, I encourage you to let go. Let go of your attachment to your ego and sense of self. Let go of your fear of loss and uncertainty. And let go of your need for external validation.

Trust that you will always be connected to the universe and to yourself, even when you are apart from others. Trust that you will always be enough just as you are. And trust that you will find your true nature when you surrender your attachments and live fully in the present moment.

At The End

Letting go of attachment is not an easy task, but it’s a necessary one for our spiritual growth and evolution. It requires us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities, but it also allows us to discover our true nature and live fully in the present moment.

As we struggle with our attachments, let us remember the words of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

“The greatest of all battles is the struggle against one’s own soul.” (2)

May we have the strength and courage to overcome our own egos and attachments, and may we find peace and contentment in our journey towards self-discovery.



(1) Imam Ghazali, “The Book of Knowledge”

(2) Bukhari



Mohamed, Ph.D

University professor and author, delving into the worlds of Islamic studies, personal growth, and entrepreneurship to share insights and inspire others.