This Invest-Gaming Platform Is All Set To Launch The First Blockchain League

Choose your ideal club, create the master portfolio, and stand a chance to win your favorite crypto!

Meghalya Pant
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2023


CoinFantasy is all set to unleash the biggest blockchain tournament of the year- Chain Wars. This game comes with more excitement, thrill, and profit opportunities for crypto enthusiasts.

Are You Ready For⛓️ Chain Wars? ⛓️

Chain Wars is the first-ever cub vs club tournament organized by CoinFantasy.

The contest will be live soon followed by inter-team matches.

Over 2500 players globally can enjoy this upgraded game mode that is both entertaining and rewarding. The event permits players to choose their favorite club and fight for it.

To enter the Chain Wars tournament, players have to secure a PRO ZONE ACCESS. The access card provides the best opportunity for gamers and crypto fans to participate in the blockchain race with a gaming twist. By securing the premium access card, players can withdraw CFTs, get pro game and tournament access, and secure energy credits.

Once the upgrade is done, it is time to enter the PRO ZONE to try the premium gameplay. The tournament takes players to the next level of gaming where they battle directly with their competitors and lead their clubs. Their objective is to do an accurate analysis of the market and top the leaderboard.

Players get to choose from five exclusive clubs namely Avax Superkings, Eth Devils, Polygon Kings, Arbitrum Titans, and Royal BNB challengers

Each club admits only 500 members and it comes on a first come first serve basis. The tournament winners will be determined based on internal club vs club matches.

The Greatest Chance to Gain Rewards 🎁

To be successful, players must select a club and create their portfolio. The winning club will be decided based on the overall performance of the portfolios and all the members of the club will be rewarded.

The club with the highest score will be named the WINNER OF THE TOURNAMENT. Two other teams that perform well will also secure the runner-up title along with rewards.

Overall, the winning clubs' secure rewards of up to 25,000 CFTs.

Meanwhile, the player with the most points in the game pool will be awarded,




The Man of the Tournament will be awarded 250 USDTs while Man of the Club and Man of the Match secure 50 and 25 USDTs respectively.

Know How To Play and Make It to the Top

Choosing a Club: Every club has 25 tokens. Players can look for their favorite tokens and choose the club that has them. Join the club as a member and battle for its success.

Build Your Master Portfolio: Once the club selection process is over, it is time to build your master portfolio that will determine your success. Select a minimum of one and a maximum of three tokens from the team’s low, mid, and high-cap coins. Monitor the token price fluctuation and adjust the multiplier to multiply your points.

The tokens will be locked exactly 15 minutes prior to the game starting. So, if required, make changes ahead of time to avoid last-minute challenges. If your analysis of your tokens is accurate, your portfolio will perform well and top the leaderboard.

Closing Thoughts

This is your best chance to enter the gamefi space.

Get yourself ready for CoinFantsay’s Chain Wars Tournament. Chain Wars is an easy and interesting game for crypto lovers.

Join the battle for crypto supremacy and win exciting rewards.🎁



Meghalya Pant

I am a Crypto Consultant with expertise in all popular crypto projects like Ethereum, Flow, Solana, etc.