Thriving In Pessimism: Why Investing In Bear Markets Outshines Hype

M4tthew, MBA
3 min readJul 12, 2023


In the 1990 Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letter, Warren Buffett wrote:

“The most common cause of low prices is pessimism — some times pervasive, some times specific to a company or industry. We want to do business in such an environment, not because we like pessimism but because we like the prices it produces. It’s optimism that is the enemy of the rational buyer.” [emphasis Buffett]

Though they may be efficient, markets are anything but rational. Rising and falling prices are often a simple reflection of human emotion.

Understanding the value of contrarian thinking is crucial. Allocating funds in bear markets often proves to be a winning strategy compared to investing during market hype.

In the same vein as greed and fear, Buffett inverts the strategy based on sentiment about a specific company, industry, or market. Stay vigilant in times of turmoil. The best investment opportunities tend to make themselves present in bear markets.

Here are 3 key strategies for allocating capital when most people are afraid to.

Dollar Cost Averaging

Volatility makes timing the market a daunting task. Dollar cost averaging is a smart strategy that allows investors to navigate this volatility.

By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions, you automatically buy more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high.


This disciplined approach reduces the impact of market fluctuations and allows you to accumulate assets at lower average costs over time. As the market eventually recovers, your investment positions you for potential gains.

Be Defensive & Seek Stability

Bear markets bring uncertainty and economic downturns, making defensive positioning an essential strategy.

For investors in the web3 space, being defensive can mean three things.

  1. Allocate capital to less risky digital assets with the most staying power (e.g., Bitcoin or Ethereum).
  2. Allocate capital to traditional stocks that serve as the pics and shovels to web3 projects. Stocks like mining companies, crypto ATMs, or an exchange like Coinbase all trade as public companies and must therefore report earnings in a transparent way.
  3. Allocate capital totally out of web3 into more traditional and lower-risk assets (e.g. gold).

Go Bargain Hunting

Bear markets often present a sea of undervalued opportunities for those willing to seek them out. During times of pessimism, market sentiment can drag down prices across various sectors and asset classes.

Engage in thorough research and analysis to identify assets with solid fundamentals and growth potential that are trading below their intrinsic value.

By going bargain hunting and investing in undervalued assets, you position yourself for significant gains when market sentiment eventually shifts, and prices rebound.

At the end of the day, the best investors internalize this maxim.

Buyers in times of market optimism pay premiums.
Buyers in times of market pessimism get discounts.

This is equally true in traditional investing and in the crypto-sphere. Which kind of buyer are you?

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M4tthew, MBA

Registered Investment Advisor - I build financial literacy by distilling complex topics and demystifying ways to build wealth in web3 - Author 📖 | Speaker 🎙️