Top 10 Best Low Cost Blockchain Business Ideas in 2024

Explore the top 10 low-cost blockchain business ideas for 2024. From DeFi solutions to NFT marketplaces, discover profitable ventures with minimal investment.

David Emmett
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2024


Top 10 Best Low Cost Blockchain Business Ideas in 2024
Top 10 Best Low Cost Blockchain Business Ideas in 2024

Blockchain technology has evolved from being the backbone of cryptocurrencies to a versatile tool with applications in various industries. Its decentralized, secure, and transparent nature makes it a powerful solution for many business problems. As we move into 2024, numerous low-cost blockchain business ideas offer immense potential for entrepreneurs. Here are the top 10 best low-cost blockchain business ideas for 2024.

1. Blockchain Consultancy Services

As blockchain technology continues to grow, many businesses seek to integrate it into their operations. However, the complexity of blockchain can be a barrier. Offering consultancy services to guide companies through blockchain adoption is a lucrative business opportunity. This includes helping businesses understand blockchain technology, identifying use cases, and developing strategies for implementation.

Key Points:
✅️ Low Initial Investment: Knowledge-based service, requiring minimal upfront costs.
✅️ High Demand: Growing interest in blockchain across various industries.
✅️ Potential Clients: Startups, SMEs, and large corporations.

2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Solutions

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has revolutionized the financial industry by offering financial services without intermediaries. Entrepreneurs can develop DeFi platforms that provide services like lending, borrowing, trading, and yield farming. These platforms operate on blockchain networks, ensuring transparency and security.

Key Points:
✅️ Growing Market: DeFi is rapidly expanding with new innovations.
✅️ Low Barrier to Entry: Open-source blockchain platforms like Ethereum facilitate development.
✅️ Revenue Models: Transaction fees, interest rates, and service fees.

3. Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management can benefit significantly from blockchain’s transparency and traceability. Developing a blockchain-based platform for supply chain management can help businesses track their products in real-time, reduce fraud, and increase efficiency. This solution is particularly beneficial for industries like food, pharmaceuticals, and luxury goods.

Key Points:
✅️ High Value Proposition: Enhances trust and efficiency in supply chains.
✅️ Market Demand: Growing need for transparency and traceability.
✅️ Scalability: Applicable to various industries and supply chain sizes.

4. NFT Marketplaces

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have created a new digital economy for artists, creators, and collectors. Building an NFT marketplace allows users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets like art, music, and virtual real estate. These platforms can generate significant revenue through transaction fees and listing fees.

Key Points:
✅️ Popularity: NFTs continue to gain mainstream attention.
✅️ Revenue Potential: Commission from sales and listings.
✅️ Community Engagement: Building a vibrant community of creators and collectors.

5. Blockchain-Based Voting Systems

The integrity of voting systems is a critical concern in democratic processes. Blockchain-based voting systems offer a secure and transparent solution to electoral fraud and voting manipulation. Developing a blockchain voting platform can provide verifiable and tamper-proof elections for organizations, governments, and communities.

Key Points:
✅️ Security: Blockchain ensures secure and transparent voting.
✅️ Trust: Increases voter confidence in the election process.
✅️ Versatility: Applicable to various types of elections and voting scenarios.

6. Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare systems generate vast amounts of data that need to be managed securely and efficiently. Blockchain can provide a decentralized solution for managing healthcare data, ensuring patient privacy, and improving data sharing between healthcare providers. Developing a blockchain-based healthcare data management system can revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Key Points:
✅️ Data Security: Blockchain ensures patient data is secure and immutable.
✅️ Efficiency: Streamlines data sharing between healthcare providers.
✅️ Compliance: Meets regulatory requirements for data protection.

7. Real Estate Tokenization

Real estate tokenization Unlock real estate investing for everyone. Break down property ownership into digital tokens with blockchain. Developing a platform for real estate tokenization can democratize property investment and provide liquidity to the real estate market.

Key Points:
✅️ Accessibility: Lowers the barrier to real estate investment.
✅️ Liquidity: Enables fractional ownership and easier property transactions.
✅️ Innovation: Introduces new investment opportunities in real estate.

8. Blockchain-Based Identity Verification

Identity verification is a crucial aspect of online transactions and services. Blockchain-based identity verification solutions provide secure and decentralized methods for verifying identities, reducing fraud, and enhancing privacy. Developing such a solution can cater to businesses in finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more.

Key Points:
✅️ Security: Ensures secure and tamper-proof identity verification.
✅️ Privacy: Enhances user privacy and control over personal data.
✅️ Wide Application: Applicable across various industries requiring identity verification.

9. Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway

With the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, providing a payment gateway that facilitates crypto transactions can be a profitable business. A cryptocurrency payment gateway allows businesses to accept payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies, providing convenience and attracting tech-savvy customers.

Key Points:
✅️ Market Growth: Increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies for payments.
✅️ Revenue Generation: Transaction fees from crypto payments.
✅️ User Convenience: Offers an alternative payment method for customers.

10. Decentralized Storage Solutions

As data generation continues to surge, decentralized storage solutions offer a secure and cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud storage. Developing a decentralized storage platform using blockchain can provide users with secure, private, and tamper-proof storage options.

Key Points:
✅️ Security: Blockchain ensures data is secure and immutable.
✅️ Cost-Effective: Reduces reliance on centralized storage providers.
✅️ Privacy: Enhances user privacy and data control.


The blockchain business landscape in 2024 presents numerous low-cost opportunities for entrepreneurs. From consultancy services and DeFi solutions to supply chain management and decentralized storage, blockchain technology offers innovative solutions for various industries. By leveraging the unique benefits of blockchain, entrepreneurs can develop profitable businesses that drive innovation and growth in the digital economy. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a newcomer to the blockchain space, these top 10 low-cost blockchain business ideas provide a roadmap for success in 2024.



David Emmett

Blockchain developer with core competencies of developing and maintaining decentral networks, and Smart contracts.