Top 10 Best Real World Assets (RWA) Coins in 2024

Explore the top 10 Real World Assets (RWA) coins of 2024, revolutionizing traditional finance with blockchain technology.

David Emmett
Published in
6 min readMar 20, 2024


Top 10 Best Real World Assets (RWA) Coins in 2024

Real World Assets (RWA) coins have gained significant attention in the world of cryptocurrency, offering investors the opportunity to gain exposure to tangible assets such as real estate, commodities, and precious metals through blockchain technology. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential to identify the top projects driving innovation and adoption in the RWA space. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 10 best Real World Assets (RWA) coins in 2024, highlighting their features, benefits, and potential impact on the future of finance.

1. Ondo Finance

Ondo Finance is a decentralized platform that facilitates the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA) on the blockchain. It allows users to securely tokenize various assets, including real estate, commodities, and digital collectibles. Ondo Finance aims to democratize access to investment opportunities by enabling fractional ownership of assets, thereby increasing liquidity in the RWA market. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, Ondo Finance offers a seamless experience for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and gain exposure to tangible assets through blockchain technology.

2. Chainlink

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data. It ensures the reliability and integrity of data feeds by aggregating information from multiple sources and providing tamper-proof data to smart contracts on the blockchain. Chainlink plays a crucial role in the tokenization of real-world assets by enabling smart contracts to securely interact with external data sources, such as price feeds, weather data, and market statistics. With its proven track record and wide adoption, Chainlink enhances the accuracy and trustworthiness of asset-backed tokens in the RWA market.

3. MakerDAO

MakerDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that governs the Maker protocol, which powers the stablecoin Dai. Through its collateralized debt positions (CDPs) and governance mechanisms, MakerDAO enables users to tokenize real-world assets and mint Dai-backed stablecoins. By providing stability and liquidity to the RWA market, MakerDAO facilitates the creation of asset-backed tokens that represent fractional ownership in tangible assets. With its decentralized governance model and robust infrastructure, MakerDAO offers a reliable platform for investors to tokenize and trade real-world assets on the blockchain.

4. Synthetix

Synthetix is a decentralized synthetic asset issuance protocol that allows users to mint and trade synthetic assets, including real-world assets, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. By leveraging blockchain technology and decentralized oracles, Synthetix enables the creation of asset-backed tokens that track the value of underlying assets in real-time. With its innovative approach to tokenization, Synthetix offers investors the ability to gain exposure to a wide range of assets without the need for physical ownership. With its scalable and secure platform, Synthetix enhances liquidity and accessibility in the RWA market, opening up new investment opportunities for users worldwide.

5. Ribbon Finance

Ribbon Finance is a decentralized options protocol that enables users to create and trade options on various assets, including real-world assets. By providing liquidity and risk management solutions, Ribbon Finance facilitates the tokenization and trading of real-world assets, enhancing accessibility and efficiency in the RWA market. With its user-friendly interface and customizable options strategies, Ribbon Finance offers a seamless experience for investors looking to hedge their positions or speculate on the value of tokenized assets. With its innovative approach to options trading, Ribbon Finance empowers users to maximize their returns and manage their risk exposure in the RWA market.

6. Pendle Finance

Pendle Finance is a decentralized protocol that enables users to tokenize future yield streams from DeFi platforms and trade them as tradable assets. With its innovative approach to yield tokenization, Pendle Finance unlocks liquidity and enables investors to gain exposure to real-world assets and revenue streams in the DeFi ecosystem. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, Pendle Finance offers a seamless experience for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and maximize their returns in the RWA market. With its scalable and secure platform, Pendle Finance empowers users to unlock new investment opportunities and capitalize on the growing DeFi market.

7. Orai

Orai is a decentralized oracle platform that provides secure and reliable data feeds to smart contracts on various blockchain networks. By bridging the gap between blockchain and real-world data sources, Orai facilitates the tokenization of real-world assets and ensures the accuracy and integrity of asset-backed tokens. With its scalable and secure infrastructure, Orai enhances transparency and trust in the RWA market, enabling investors to make informed decisions and mitigate risks. With its customizable oracle solutions and decentralized governance model, Orai offers a reliable platform for tokenizing and trading real-world assets on the blockchain.

8. Centrifuge

Centrifuge is a decentralized platform that enables the tokenization of real-world assets through non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and asset-backed tokens. By leveraging blockchain technology and DeFi protocols, Centrifuge enables users to unlock liquidity and access investment opportunities in a wide range of asset classes, including invoices, royalties, and real estate. With its user-friendly interface and customizable tokenization solutions, Centrifuge offers a seamless experience for investors looking to tokenize and trade real-world assets on the blockchain. With its decentralized governance model and robust security features, Centrifuge provides a reliable platform for investors to diversify their portfolios and maximize their returns in the RWA market.

9. Creditcoin

Creditcoin is a decentralized credit protocol that enables users to tokenize and trade credit assets, including loans, bonds, and debt instruments. By providing a decentralized marketplace for credit assets, Creditcoin facilitates the tokenization and trading of real-world assets, increasing liquidity and efficiency in the credit markets. With its scalable and secure platform, Creditcoin offers a seamless experience for investors looking to access investment opportunities in the RWA market. With its customizable credit solutions and decentralized governance model, Creditcoin empowers users to unlock new avenues for investment and capitalize on the growing demand for credit assets in the digital economy.

10. Chromia

Chromia is a blockchain platform that enables the tokenization of real-world assets and the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) for asset management and trading. With its scalable and secure infrastructure, Chromia empowers developers to build innovative solutions for tokenizing and trading real-world assets, unlocking new opportunities for investors and asset owners. With its customizable DApps and decentralized governance model, Chromia offers a reliable platform for investors to tokenize and trade real-world assets on the blockchain. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, Chromia provides a seamless experience for users looking to access investment opportunities in the RWA market.


As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to grow, the tokenization of real-world assets presents a significant opportunity to revolutionize traditional finance and unlock new avenues for investment and financial inclusion. The top 10 Real World Assets (RWA) coins mentioned above are leading the way in driving innovation and adoption in the RWA space, offering users the ability to tokenize, trade, and invest in a wide range of tangible assets through decentralized platforms and protocols. As the RWA market matures and evolves, it’s essential for investors and stakeholders to stay informed and explore the potential of this transformative technology in reshaping the future of finance.



David Emmett

Blockchain developer with core competencies of developing and maintaining decentral networks, and Smart contracts.