Top 12 Web3 Trends In 2024 According To VCs

The biggest ideas in crypto, blockchain technology, and Web3 for 2024 according to some of the world’s most respected investors and finance experts

Max Yamp
Published in
22 min readJan 10, 2024


The prevailing narrative in crypto, and even in digital currency and cryptography circles before Bitcoin, has always been decentralization. However, the most recent crypto bull cycle illuminated a divergent trend: newcomers, retail investors, and speculators do not uniformly embrace this decentralization ethos. Centralized entities in crypto were able to make significant ground, and many market participants got burned as a result.

Web3 is what is left after the dust has settled. Web3, at its core, represents an expansive array of web services delivered through decentralized applications (dApps) utilizing blockchain technology. This includes alternative social media platforms, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), encrypted messaging applications, blockchain-based financial services, decentralized marketplaces, non-fungible token (NFT) exchanges, distributed data storage solutions, and more. Balaji Srinivasan, a renowned angel investor and the author of “The Network State,” has posited that virtually every Web2 company could be reimagined within a Web3 framework. A decentralized internet, and eventually a decentralized global economy, are absolutely on the table. In fact, it’s paramount that we make it a reality.

“As we keep seeing…



Max Yamp

Building web3 and DeFi products. Writing about crypto and tokenomics. Founder of One Click Crypto