Trading Cryptos part 1: How to get the Data and create interactive visualisations with Python and Plotly

Luigi Bungaro


Cryptos Trading

Hi everybody and welcome to this article for getting started with trading online and cryptocurrencies. The idea behind is to create a series of articles where we start from scratch not knowing anything about trading and cryptocurrencies and we build our knowledge step by step adding always new layers on top of each other to arrive at the end with a Crypto Trading Bot that will do the job for us!

Here below a quick preview of how the Plotly graph will look: in the first image we can see all the data available, and in the second image we are zooming in a specific timeframe having and visualizing more detailed information.

Bitcoin Candlestick Graph (Plotly) — All Data
Bitcoin Candlestick Graph (Plotly) — Details for small data (interactivity)

But before talking about the trading Bot, we have to know that trading is not easy and that the statistics are not in our favour … 95% of the people is not gaining profit out of it. But this doesn’t have to discourage us, we will have our bot on our side :) The Bot will help us in scanning…



Luigi Bungaro

Management Engineer passionate about Management, Innovation, DataScience, Digital Marketing, AI, Strategy, Technology, Innovation, Python and Data Science