Trojan vs. The Competition: Why It’s the Top Solana Trading Bot

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5 min readJun 29, 2024



In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency trading, choosing the right trading bot can make or break your success. Among Solana trading bots, Trojan stands out, surpassing competitors like Bonkbot, Bananagun, and Sol Trading Bot (STB). This article provides a detailed comparison of these bots, highlighting why Trojan leads in key areas such as trading volume, fees, referral programs, and more.

Overview of the Trading Bots

Trojan: Known for its comprehensive features and user-centric design, Trojan dominates the Solana trading bot market with over 50% of the total trading volume.

Bonkbot: A fast and efficient bot primarily focused on Solana, boasting significant market presence and prioritizing rapid execution.

Bananagun: Offers a range of advanced trading features, including MEV-resistant swaps, but holds a smaller market share on Solana.

Sol Trading Bot (STB): A versatile bot with a user-friendly interface and robust performance, capturing a notable portion of the market.

Key Metrics Comparison

Trading Volume

  • Trojan: Handles over 50% of the total trading volume among Solana bots, showcasing its reliability and popularity among traders.
  • Bonkbot: Captures 28.8% of the trading volume, emphasizing its efficiency and speed.
  • Bananagun: Holds a smaller share at 4.3%, reflecting its niche user base.
  • Sol Trading Bot (STB): Commands 10.4% of the trading volume, making it a significant player in the market.

Referral Fee Percentage

  • Trojan: Offers an impressive 30% fee on direct referrals and 15% on indirect referrals, encouraging users to expand their network.
  • Bonkbot: Provides a 20% fee on direct referrals and 10% on indirect referrals, making it a decent option for users looking to monetize their connections.
  • Bananagun: Offers a 15% referral fee on direct referrals and 5% on indirect referrals, slightly less attractive but still beneficial.
  • Sol Trading Bot (STB): Matches Bananagun with a 15% fee on direct and 5% on indirect referrals, providing moderate incentives for user engagement.

Swap Fee

  • Trojan: Features the lowest swap fee at 0.2% per transaction, making it the most cost-effective choice for high volume traders.
  • Bonkbot: Charges a 0.3% fee per transaction, higher than Trojan but still competitive.
  • Bananagun: Offers a 0.25% fee per transaction, providing a middle ground between Trojan and Bonkbot.
  • Sol Trading Bot (STB): Aligns with Bananagun at 0.25%, balancing cost and performance.

Multi-Wallet Management

  • Trojan: Allows management of up to 10 wallets, facilitating diversified and efficient trading strategies.
  • Bonkbot: Limited to single wallet management, which may restrict advanced trading setups.
  • Bananagun: Supports multiple wallets, but with less streamlined management compared to Trojan.
  • Sol Trading Bot (STB): Offers multi-wallet capabilities, though it may not match Trojan’s seamless integration and management features.

Security Features

  • Trojan: Features robust multi-wallet security and two-factor authentication, ensuring maximum protection for assets.
  • Bonkbot: Provides basic encryption for transactions, offering fundamental security without advanced protections.
  • Bananagun: Includes MEV-resistant swaps and anti-rug protection, enhancing safety for traders.
  • Sol Trading Bot (STB): Offers solid security measures, including advanced encryption and fraud detection, aligning closely with Trojan’s standards.

Platform Availability

  • Trojan: Accessible via Telegram and web, providing flexibility for users across different platforms.
  • Bonkbot: Limited to Telegram, which may be less convenient for users preferring web or mobile access.
  • Bananagun: Currently available on Telegram, with upcoming plans for web and mobile, indicating future flexibility.
  • Sol Trading Bot (STB): Supports both Telegram and web, catering to a broader range of user preferences.

Why Trojan Leads the Market

  1. Highest Trading Volume: With over 50% of the total trading volume among Solana bots, Trojan is the clear leader, indicating high user trust and robust performance.
  2. Cost-Effective Trading: Trojan’s 0.2% swap fee is the lowest among competitors, helping traders save on transaction costs, which is crucial for high volume trading.
  3. Lucrative Referral Program: Offering up to 30% on direct referrals and 15% on indirect referrals, Trojan incentivizes users to expand their network, enhancing its growth and user base.
  4. Advanced Multi-Wallet Management: Managing up to 10 wallets allows traders to diversify and optimize their strategies efficiently, a feature unmatched by competitors.
  5. Comprehensive Security: Trojan’s multi-wallet security and two-factor authentication provide robust protection for high-value assets, ensuring traders’ peace of mind.
  6. Flexible Platform Access: Being accessible via both Telegram and web, Trojan offers flexibility and convenience for users preferring different platforms.


Trojan clearly excels over Bonkbot, Bananagun, and Sol Trading Bot (STB) in various critical areas, making it the best choice for Solana traders. Its superior trading volume, cost-effective fees, robust referral program, and advanced security features set it apart as the leading trading bot in the Solana ecosystem.

Ready to elevate your trading? Sign up for Trojan today using my referral link and enjoy the numerous benefits that come with trading on the top platform! ref link!

Tags: #Crypto #Solana #TradingBots #Trojan #Bonkbot #Bananagun #SolTradingBot #HighVolumeTraders

