Turning your $10 into $1000 — that golden 100x opportunity

Vwegba ThankGod
5 min readJun 12, 2022


Disclaimer: Making money passively is still a very risky field. Only trade what you can afford to lose.

We all want that opportunity that would lead to something big, that opportunity that would lead to getting rich instantly, buy that lambo, and travel the world. The truth is, this is one of the things DeFi made possible. In a day, there are about 500 to 800 new tokens listed on pancakeswap DEX platform.

Let’s assume we live in an ideal world, all of the tokens listed have a 90% chance of doubling our investment, and 80% chances to 100x within a day. That means in this ideal world, the fittest, (in this case, the fastest), traders can be millionaires within a month. Beautiful scenario, but we are not living in an ideal world, and also, that does not mean these opportunities do not exist in the real world.

I will be going through the methods to identify these 100x trade opportunities, the traditional and the modern methods I found to be very useful.

Finding that gem token

The way to minimize the risk in the ideal scenario stated above, is to be among the first set of traders to spot trade the new token. That same scenario is what I applied to the real world situation.

My strategy is very simple: be among the first six traders to trade a token, and ensure no whale traded before me. That’s actually the easy part

The old school hunt

This involves inspecting the token manually for any issues. Steps I followed for scanning tokens on the bsc network;

  • First you would need a telegram application, then add this dextool live pair robot to your telegram following the link : https://t.me/DEXTNewPairsBotBSC . This actually gives live updates on newly listed tokens and save you the stress of using nodes to scan for new listings
dextool pair bot channel telegram
  • Monitoring is hard, so using dedicated notification sound for the telegram application could be helpful. Upon new listing, open the listed token and navigate to the bsc network from dextool.
click on the bsc network logo
  • Things to consider when scanning the token are; ensure that the holders are less than 10, (in my next article, I will list out all possible malicious token contracts out there. Stay tuned), the contract is verified, ( we can not go through the contract code because speedy purchase is our major aim).
  • After successful scanning, navigate to pancakeswap, ( it should be opened already by now), paste the contract address in the swap token and trade a minimum of 0.0001 bnb to test if it’s swappable. If it’s swappable, trade for profit. If not ignore.

The above method led me to near bankruptcy as an individual. The opportunities were there but spending real cash to test over 200 tokens within a day and also for gas fee wasn’t really profitable. Most were scam coins. The few 100x opportunities spotted, I held up to 30% then dumped to avoid rug pull.

The solution

This is the solution: https://itstradable.info/. It’s a free platform that helps you carry out the above token test with no cost to know if it’s tradable, or just another buy-trap token. I updated my trading process;

  • Instead of using real bnb to test, I just placed the token address into itsTrable, and it does the scan on the token, and outputs the result on what it thinks about the token. I trusted the output after actually doing some live tests. It’s also worth noting that, you can only scan WBNB pairs.
itsTradable Dashboard
  • After the scanning, I checked if the contract is also verified, and also in the write tab on the contract code page of the token to ensure no suspicious public function is available that only the owners have access to.
successful scan
verified token write tab
  • Then I trade.

The results so far are promising, as I’ve only traded 10 tokens with 30% returns from each. Also, check if the liquidity is locked for long term holding and 100x returns.

Platform itsTradable,

Follow itsTrable on Twitter: @i_tradable,

Telegram pump channel : https://t.me/itsTradable.

If needed, I would be sharing how I automated the entire process using nodejs. Increase your speed by 8 times and become the first two traders to trade a token.

Happy trading friends.

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