‘unchecked’ in Solidity

Kaan Kaçar
4 min readMay 29, 2023


In Solidity, the ‘unchecked’ keyword plays a crucial role in certain scenarios, allowing developers to bypass certain checks and reduce gas costs. However, it should be used with caution, as it can introduce potential security risks if not handled properly. In this guide, Iwill delve deep into the ‘unchecked’ keyword, exploring its purpose and best practices for ensuring secure smart contract development.

Understanding the Need for the ‘Unchecked’ Keyword

In Solidity, most operations are checked by default to ensure safety and prevent unexpected behavior. These checks are critical for maintaining the integrity and security of smart contracts. However, there are certain situations where the developer may have a deeper understanding of the system’s behavior and want to bypass these checks for performance or optimization reasons. The ‘unchecked’ keyword comes into play in such cases, allowing developers to override the default checks and improve contract efficiency.

How the ‘Unchecked’ Keyword Works

The ‘unchecked’ keyword is used in Solidity to inform the compiler that a particular operation should be performed without any checks. By default, Solidity performs various validations and checks during code execution, such as array bounds checking, integer overflow checking, and division by zero checking. These checks ensure that the code behaves as expected and prevents potential vulnerabilities.

When ‘unchecked’ is used, Solidity skips these default checks and assumes that the operation will not result in any issues. This can significantly reduce the gas cost of the operation, as the checks themselves consume computational resources. However, it is important to note that by using ‘unchecked,’ developers assume the responsibility of ensuring the correctness and safety of the operation being performed.

Use Cases

While the ‘unchecked’ keyword should be used sparingly and with caution, there are specific scenarios where its usage can be justified and beneficial. Let’s explore a couple of such use cases:

  1. Dynamic Array Operations:

In Solidity, dynamic arrays provide flexibility but come with an additional cost in terms of gas consumption. When appending elements to a dynamic array, Solidity performs bounds checking to ensure that the array’s capacity is not exceeded. However, if developers can guarantee that the operation will not result in an out-of-bounds condition, using ‘unchecked’ can save gas costs.

Consider the following code snippet:

function appendToArray(uint[] memory arr, uint element) public returns (uint[] memory) {
uint[] memory newArr = new uint[](arr.length + 1);
for (uint i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
newArr[i] = arr[i];
newArr[arr.length] = element;
return newArr;

By default, Solidity performs bounds checking during the assignment newArr[arr.length] = element;. However, if the developer is confident that the array will not exceed its bounds, they can use the 'unchecked' keyword as follows:

function appendToArray(uint[] memory arr, uint element) public returns (uint[] memory) {
uint[] memory newArr = new uint[](arr.length + 1);
for (uint i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
newArr[i] = arr[i];
unchecked {
newArr[arr.length] = element;
return newArr;

2. Low-Level Optimizations

In certain cases, developers may need to perform low-level operations that require efficiency and gas cost optimization. The ‘unchecked’ keyword can be utilized to skip checks and achieve better performance.

For example, consider the following code snippet that performs a division operation:

function divide(uint numerator, uint denominator) public pure returns (uint) {
return numerator / denominator;

By default, Solidity performs a check to prevent division by zero. However, if the developer is confident that the ‘denominator’ value will never be zero, they can utilize the ‘unchecked’ keyword to skip this check:

function divide(uint numerator, uint denominator) public pure returns (uint) {
unchecked {
return numerator / denominator;

Risks and Security Implications

While the ‘unchecked’ keyword can provide optimizations, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and security implications associated with its usage. By bypassing checks, developers assume full responsibility for ensuring the correctness and safety of the operations being performed.

Using ‘unchecked’ inappropriately or without proper validation can introduce vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors. For example, skipping bounds checks can lead to buffer overflows, enabling attackers to overwrite critical data or execute arbitrary code. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to carefully assess the situation, perform thorough testing, and follow best practices when utilizing the ‘unchecked’ keyword.

Final Words

The ‘unchecked’ keyword in Solidity provides developers with the flexibility to bypass default checks and optimize gas costs. However, it should be used judiciously, with a thorough understanding of its implications and potential risks.

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