Understanding Blockchain Nodes and Third-Party Infrastructure Providers: Pros, Cons, and Implementation

Lea Lobanov
11 min readApr 8, 2023


Blockchain technology has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to revolutionize various industries. At the heart of every blockchain network are nodes, which play a critical role in the decentralized nature of blockchain. Nodes are essentially individual participants in a blockchain network that maintain a copy of the distributed ledger and participate in the consensus process.

While running a node on a blockchain network can be resource-intensive, requiring significant computational power and storage capacity, there are third-party infrastructure providers that offer services to simplify node management. In this article, we will delve into the world of blockchain nodes, discuss the pros and cons of using third-party infrastructure providers, and explore how to implement blockchain nodes using JavaScript.

Understanding Blockchain Nodes

In this section, we will provide an in-depth overview of blockchain nodes, including their functions, types, and importance in the blockchain ecosystem.

1.1 Functions of Blockchain Nodes

Blockchain nodes are critical components of a blockchain network and perform various functions, including:

a. Ledger Maintenance: Nodes store a copy of the blockchain’s distributed ledger, which contains all the transactions and data associated with the network. They maintain and update the ledger by validating new transactions, adding them to the blockchain, and propagating the changes to other nodes.

b. Consensus Participation: Nodes participate in the consensus process, which is the mechanism by which agreement is reached on the validity of transactions and the order in which they are added to the blockchain. Nodes may use different consensus algorithms, such as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), depending on the blockchain network.

c. Transaction Verification: Nodes verify the validity of transactions by checking for signatures, checking the transaction against the network’s rules, and ensuring that the sender has sufficient funds to complete the transaction.

d. Smart Contract Execution: In blockchain networks that support smart contracts, nodes may also execute the code of smart contracts to enforce their logic and update the state of the blockchain accordingly.

1.2 Types of Blockchain Nodes

There are different types of blockchain nodes, each with its own characteristics and roles within the network. The main types of blockchain nodes are:

a. Full Nodes: Full nodes maintain a complete copy of the blockchain’s distributed ledger and participate in the consensus process. They validate transactions, execute smart contracts, and propagate changes to other nodes. Full nodes are considered to be the most secure and decentralized type of nodes, as they do not rely on third-party sources for data.

b. Light Nodes: Light nodes, also known as thin clients, do not maintain a complete copy of the blockchain’s distributed ledger. They rely on full nodes or other trusted sources for data and validation. Light nodes are more lightweight and require fewer resources, but they are less secure and decentralized compared to full nodes.

c. Masternodes: Masternodes are a type of node used in some blockchain networks that use a PoS consensus algorithm. Masternodes serve as validators and perform additional functions, such as facilitating transactions and participating in governance decisions. Masternodes typically require a significant amount of cryptocurrency as collateral, which serves as an incentive for their operators to act in the best interest of the network.

1.3 Importance of Blockchain Nodes

Blockchain nodes are essential for the functioning of a blockchain network and play a critical role in ensuring its security, decentralization, and consensus. The importance of blockchain nodes can be summarized as follows:

a. Security: Nodes validate transactions and ensure that only valid transactions are added to the blockchain. They also participate in the consensus process, which helps prevent double spending and other types of fraud. Without nodes, the integrity and security of the blockchain network would be compromised.

b. Decentralization: Nodes distribute the ledger across multiple participants, creating a decentralized network where no single entity has control over the entire system. This decentralization ensures that the network is resistant to censorship, manipulation, and single points of failure.

c. Consensus: Nodes participate in the consensus process, which is crucial for reaching agreement on the validity of transactions and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. Consensus ensures that all nodes in the network have a shared and consistent view of the blockchain’s state.

d. Trustlessness: Blockchain nodes operate in a trustless environment, where participants do not need to trust each other. Nodes validate transactions based on the rules of the network and the consensus algorithm, without relying on trust or authority. This trustless nature of blockchain nodes enhances transparency and accountability in the network.

Pros and Cons of Third-Party Blockchain Infrastructure Providers

While running a blockchain node can be resource-intensive and technically challenging, there are third-party infrastructure providers that offer services to simplify node management. In this section, we will discuss the pros and cons of using third-party blockchain infrastructure providers.

2.1 Pros of Third-Party Infrastructure Providers

a. Simplified Node Management: Third-party infrastructure providers offer user-friendly interfaces and tools that simplify the process of setting up and managing blockchain nodes. They provide APIs, dashboards, and other tools that abstract the complexity of blockchain node operation, making it easier for software engineers to integrate blockchain into their applications.

b. Scalability: Third-party infrastructure providers typically offer scalable solutions that can handle a large number of nodes and transactions. This can be beneficial for applications that require high transaction throughput or need to scale rapidly.

c. Cost-Effectiveness: Running a blockchain node can be expensive in terms of hardware, bandwidth, and electricity costs. Third-party infrastructure providers often offer cost-effective solutions that allow software engineers to leverage the benefits of blockchain technology without incurring high infrastructure costs.

d. Support and Maintenance: Third-party infrastructure providers usually offer support and maintenance services, including regular updates, security patches, and monitoring. This can free up software engineers from the burden of managing and maintaining their own nodes, allowing them to focus on their core development tasks.

2.2 Cons of Third-Party Infrastructure Providers

a. Reliance on Third-Party Providers: When using third-party infrastructure providers, software engineers may become dependent on their services for the operation of their blockchain nodes. This can create a single point of failure, as any issues with the provider’s services may affect the operation of the nodes.

b. Centralization: Depending on the third-party infrastructure provider, the nodes may be hosted in centralized data centers, which can undermine the decentralization and security of the blockchain network. This may contradict the fundamental principles of blockchain technology.

c. Privacy and Security Concerns: Third-party infrastructure providers may have access to sensitive data, such as transaction details and smart contract code. This can raise privacy and security concerns, as the provider may have the potential to access, manipulate, or misuse the data.

d. Limited Customization: Third-party infrastructure providers may have limitations in terms of customization and configuration options for the blockchain nodes. This may restrict the software engineer’s ability to tailor the node to their specific requirements or to implement custom features.

JavaScript Implementation of Blockchain Nodes with Third-Party Providers

In this section, we will explore how to implement blockchain nodes using JavaScript with the help of third-party infrastructure providers. JavaScript is a popular programming language for web development, and there are several libraries and tools available that can be used to interact with blockchain nodes.

3.1 Selecting a Third-Party Infrastructure Provider

When implementing blockchain nodes with JavaScript, the first step is to select a suitable third-party infrastructure provider. There are several factors to consider when choosing a provider, such as reliability, reputation, scalability, cost, support for the desired blockchain network, and customization options. Popular third-party infrastructure providers for blockchain nodes include Infura, QuickNode, Alchemy, and QuikNode, among others.

3.2 Setting Up a Blockchain Node with JavaScript

Once a third-party infrastructure provider is selected, the next step is to set up a blockchain node using JavaScript. The specific steps may vary depending on the provider and the blockchain network being used, but generally, the following steps are involved:

a. Sign up and create an account with the selected third-party infrastructure provider. This may require providing personal information, creating an API key, and choosing the desired blockchain network.

b. Install the necessary JavaScript libraries or SDKs (Software Development Kits) provided by the infrastructure provider for interacting with the blockchain network. These libraries or SDKs typically provide functions and methods for connecting to the blockchain network, sending and receiving transactions, interacting with smart contracts, and managing the blockchain node.

c. Configure the connection to the blockchain network using the API key and other relevant parameters provided by the infrastructure provider. This may involve setting up the connection endpoint, specifying the network ID or chain ID, and other network-specific configurations.

d. Implement the desired functionalities for the blockchain node using JavaScript. This may include creating wallets, managing accounts, signing transactions, sending and receiving transactions, and interacting with smart contracts, among others. The specific implementation details may vary depending on the blockchain network and the JavaScript library or SDK being used.

e. Test the implementation and ensure that the blockchain node is functioning as expected. This may involve sending test transactions, interacting with test smart contracts, and verifying the correctness of the results.

f. Deploy the implementation to a production environment, if applicable, and monitor the performance and security of the blockchain node. Regularly update the libraries or SDKs used for interacting with the blockchain network to ensure that the implementation is up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.

Next, we will explore how to connect to an Alchemy node in JavaScript using the popular web3.js library. We will provide an example implementation that demonstrates how to check the connection status and retrieve the balance of an Ethereum address. Let’s dive into the code and learn how to effectively interact with the Ethereum blockchain using Alchemy as our node provider.

// Import the required dependencies
const Web3 = require('web3');

// Create a new Web3 instance
const web3 = new Web3('https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/YOUR-API-KEY');

// Check if connected to Alchemy node
.then(() => console.log('Connected to Alchemy node'))
.catch((error) => console.error('Failed to connect to Alchemy node:', error));

// Example: Retrieve the balance of an Ethereum address
const getAddressBalance = async (address) => {
try {
// Use the web3 instance to call Ethereum JSON-RPC methods
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(address);
// Convert the balance from wei to ether
const balanceInEther = web3.utils.fromWei(balance, 'ether');
return balanceInEther;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to retrieve address balance:', error);

// Example usage
const address = '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e';
.then((balance) => console.log(`Address balance: ${balance} ETH`))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));

In the above example, we are using the web3.js library, which is a popular JavaScript library for interacting with Ethereum and other Ethereum-like blockchains. We create a new Web3 instance by passing in the URL of the Alchemy node endpoint along with the API key as the argument.

The web3.eth.net.isListening() method is used to check if the connection to the Alchemy node is successful. If it returns a resolved promise, it means that the connection is successful, and the message "Connected to Alchemy node" is printed to the console. Otherwise, an error message is printed.

We then define a function getAddressBalance() that takes an Ethereum address as input and uses the web3.eth.getBalance() method to retrieve the balance of the address in wei. We convert the balance from wei to ether using the web3.utils.fromWei() method before returning it.

Finally, we call the getAddressBalance() function with an example Ethereum address and handle the resolved promise to print the address balance in Ether to the console.

Note: Replace “YOUR-API-KEY” in the Alchemy node URL with your actual API key obtained from Alchemy (https://alchemy.com/). Make sure to keep your API key secure and do not share it publicly.

This implementation allows you to connect to an Alchemy node in JavaScript and interact with the Ethereum blockchain by making use of the web3.js library. You can use similar approaches to interact with other blockchain networks as well by using the appropriate endpoints and configurations for the respective nodes.

Similarly, here’s an example implementation of connecting to an Infura node in JavaScript using the web3.js library:

const Web3 = require('web3');

// Replace the following with your Infura Project ID and Project Secret
const projectId = 'YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID';
const projectSecret = 'YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET';

// Create a web3 instance using Infura provider
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(`https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/${projectId}`);

// Instantiate web3 with the provider
const web3 = new Web3(provider);

// Check the connection status
.then(() => console.log('Connected to Infura node'))
.catch(() => console.error('Failed to connect to Infura node'));

// Example function to retrieve balance of an Ethereum address
const getBalance = async (address) => {
try {
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(address);
console.log(`Balance of address ${address}: ${web3.utils.fromWei(balance, 'ether')} ETH`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to retrieve balance for address ${address}:`, error);

// Example usage
const address = '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e';
  1. We require the web3 library in our JavaScript code, which provides us with the necessary tools to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
  2. We replace the YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID and YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET placeholders with our actual Infura Project ID and Project Secret, which we obtain by creating a project on the Infura website.
  3. We create a new instance of Web3.providers.HttpProvider with the Infura URL for the desired Ethereum network (in this case, the mainnet), passing in our Infura Project ID as part of the URL.
  4. We then instantiate a web3 instance using the Web3 constructor, passing in the Infura provider we created in the previous step.
  5. We use the web3.eth.net.isListening() function to check if we are connected to the Infura node, and log a success message if we are, or an error message if we are not.
  6. We define an example function getBalance that takes an Ethereum address as input and retrieves the balance of that address in ether, using the web3.eth.getBalance function.
  7. Finally, we call the getBalance function with an example Ethereum address and log the retrieved balance.

Note: It’s important to keep your Infura Project ID and Project Secret secure and never share them publicly, as they grant access to your Infura project and its associated Ethereum network.


Blockchain nodes are an integral part of blockchain networks, responsible for maintaining the distributed ledger, validating transactions, and securing the network. Implementing blockchain nodes with JavaScript can provide several advantages, including ease of use, flexibility, and wide adoption. However, it also comes with potential drawbacks, such as performance limitations, security concerns, and reliance on third-party providers.

When using JavaScript to implement blockchain nodes, selecting a reliable and reputable third-party infrastructure provider is crucial. Careful consideration should be given to factors such as the provider’s reputation, security measures, reliability, scalability, and customization options. It’s also important to regularly update the libraries or SDKs used for interacting with the blockchain network to ensure security and performance.

Despite the limitations and risks associated with JavaScript implementation, it can be a viable option for certain use cases, particularly in applications that require interoperability with existing web technologies. JavaScript can be leveraged for various functionalities, such as managing wallets, signing transactions, and interacting with smart contracts.

To mitigate the potential risks and challenges, developers should follow best practices for secure coding, perform thorough testing, and stay updated with the latest advancements in blockchain technology and JavaScript libraries or SDKs. Additionally, exploring alternative implementations, such as using compiled languages or running nodes on self-hosted infrastructure, may be considered in certain scenarios to address specific requirements or concerns.

In conclusion, JavaScript can be used to implement blockchain nodes with the help of third-party infrastructure providers, offering advantages such as ease of use, flexibility, and wide adoption. However, developers must be aware of the potential limitations and risks associated with JavaScript, such as performance, security, and reliance on third-party providers. Proper precautions and best practices should be followed to ensure the secure and efficient functioning of blockchain nodes implemented with JavaScript. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for developers to stay informed and adapt their implementations accordingly to harness the full potential of this transformative technology.

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Disclosure: This article was written with the assitance of AI technology. An AI tool (Chat GPT) was used to create an outline and generate content for portions of the article. A human writer has manually reviewed, edited, and contributed to the article content before publishing.



Lea Lobanov

Full-stack engineer passionate about Web3, blockchain, and Fintech. Learn more: https://purpledash.dev/