Understanding DAOs: The Benefits and Risks

Mike Perez
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2023


Visual Representation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are organizations that operate digitally and autonomously using the power of blockchain technology. They have no central authority or board of directors, instead relying on a set of rules programmed into an Ethereum smart contract.
What makes DAOs so appealing is their ability to lower costs for businesses by cutting out bureaucracy, allowing capital

Since its inception, blockchain technology has continued to transform various industries. One of the latest developments is the creation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), which operate on blockchain networks to manage digital assets and automate operational functions.

DAOs function similarly to traditional companies, with the only difference being that their management and decision-making processes are decentralized. However, while DAOs offer several benefits for business owners, there are also various risks that come with using them. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of using DAOs to run your business.

One of the primary advantages of using a DAO for your business is its efficiency and transparency. Unlike traditional companies where decision-making relies on a hierarchy of managers, DAOs use smart contracts to execute instructions.

These smart contracts are pre-programmed, and once they are initiated, the guidelines they contain are automatically followed without the involvement of intermediaries.

This means that the management structure is decentralized, which not only makes the decision-making process more efficient but also reduces the risk of human error. DAOs are also fully transparent, which means that all the business activities are open and visible to all stakeholders.

DAOs can help reduce operational costs by minimizing the need for intermediaries. Once a DAO is established, it can operate autonomously, which means that business owners do not have to pay for administrative tasks such as managing employee payments and payrolls.

Additionally, in a DAO, the execution of contractual obligations is automated, which reduces the need for expensive legal procedures.

DAOs also allow businesses to raise funding via cryptocurrency from a global and decentralized investor base. The investor has access to the company’s financial records, expenditure, and revenue in real-time.

Similarly, the investors can vote on various aspects of the business, making the investment process democratic. This community-driven investment can be particularly helpful for start-ups, small businesses, and people who are financially excluded from traditional financial institutions.

One of the primary risks of using a DAO is governance issues. Due to its decentralized nature, DAO’s are transparent and open to all stakeholders, which also means that malicious actors can participate and compromise the DAO.

DAOs are also vulnerable to governance attacks, such as vote-buying and majority attacks, which can disrupt the functioning of the organization.

In one instance, a DAO hack in 2016 resulted in the theft of over $50 million in Ether. DAO bugs are still a prevalent concern, which can result in the manipulation of decisions and financial theft, altering the future of the company.

DAOs are mostly unregulated, which means that users do not have any legal recourse if something goes wrong. Similarly, DAOs do not have liability insurance, which means that investors and business owners are exposed to high risks if something happens to the company.

In conclusion, DAOs offer numerous benefits, but they are not entirely risk-free. However, with the power of decentralization, DAOs may represent a new paradigm for how businesses are run and funded. Like any new technology, it is vital to educate oneself on the benefits and risks before adopting it fully in business operations.

Companies looking to leverage the benefits of DAOs must approach with caution and foresight by looking for solutions to any risks that may arise. If implemented correctly, DAOs will revolutionize the business landscape as we know it.

Written by Mike Perez and Co-Authored by Artificial Intelligence.

Not financial advice, always do your own research.

My name is Mike. I am a WEB2 turned WEB3 Nerd. I write about crypto, WEB3 Games, Blockchain, and AI.

I am currently serving as Outreach Wizard Ambassador for DappRadar DAO and the US Regional Ambassador for BoomLand Games.

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Mike Perez

AI, Web3, and video game enthusiast, penning the digital future. Words are my craft, tech my muse. Decoding the intersection of reality and virtuality.