Understanding Layer 2 Blockchain: Scaling the Decentralized Web

Anish Agarwal
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2023


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

As the use cases for blockchain continue to grow, the limitations of Layer 1 blockchain are becoming more apparent. Layer 1 blockchain is slow, expensive, and cannot handle the volume of transactions needed to support mass adoption. This is where Layer 2 blockchain comes in. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Layer 2 blockchain, its characteristics, and its importance in scaling the decentralized web.

What is Layer 2 blockchain?

Layer 2 blockchain is a secondary layer built on top of Layer 1 blockchain that enables faster and cheaper transactions. Layer 2 blockchain is designed to address the scalability and speed limitations of Layer 1 blockchain by offloading some of the processing power to a secondary layer. The primary goal of Layer 2 blockchain is to increase the transaction throughput of the blockchain network while reducing the transaction fees.

Characteristics of Layer 2 blockchain

Layer 2 blockchain has several key characteristics that make it unique and important in the blockchain ecosystem:

  1. Scalability: Layer 2 blockchain is designed to be scalable, which means that it can handle a large number of transactions per second. Layer 2 solutions enable parallel processing of transactions, which increases the transaction throughput of the blockchain network.
  2. Speed: Layer 2 blockchain is faster than Layer 1 blockchain because it offloads some of the processing power to a secondary layer. This means that transactions on Layer 2 blockchain can be processed more quickly than on Layer 1 blockchain.
  3. Cost-effective: Layer 2 blockchain is more cost-effective than Layer 1 blockchain because it reduces the transaction fees. The reduced transaction fees make it easier for users to participate in the blockchain ecosystem.

Types of Layer 2 solutions

There are several types of Layer 2 solutions that are being developed to address the scalability and speed limitations of Layer 1 blockchain:

  1. State channels: State channels are off-chain solutions that enable users to conduct transactions without broadcasting them to the blockchain network. State channels allow for faster and cheaper transactions by eliminating the need for every transaction to be processed by the blockchain.
  2. Sidechains: Sidechains are independent blockchain networks that are connected to the main blockchain network. Sidechains allow for faster and cheaper transactions by processing transactions off the main blockchain network.
  3. Plasma: Plasma is a Layer 2 solution that uses a tree-like structure to process transactions off the main blockchain network. Plasma enables faster and cheaper transactions by processing transactions in batches.

Importance of Layer 2 blockchain

Layer 2 blockchain is important because it addresses the scalability and speed limitations of Layer 1 blockchain. Layer 2 solutions enable faster and cheaper transactions, which make it easier for users to participate in the blockchain ecosystem. Layer 2 blockchain also sets the stage for the development of Layer 3 blockchain solutions, which will continue to improve the scalability and speed of the blockchain network.


Layer 2 blockchain is a critical component of the decentralized web. It addresses the scalability and speed limitations of Layer 1 blockchain by offloading some of the processing power to a secondary layer. Layer 2 blockchain is faster, cheaper, and more scalable than Layer 1 blockchain, which makes it easier for users to participate in the blockchain ecosystem. Layer 2 blockchain also sets the stage for the development of Layer 3 blockchain solutions, which will continue to improve the scalability and speed of the blockchain network.

