Understanding the Hated Rally: Is Ethereum Next in Line?

Token Trekker Crypto & Travel
Published in
7 min readJun 27, 2024


As I sat at my cluttered desk, staring at the glowing screen before me, I couldn’t help but marvel at the chaos unfolding in the crypto market. My phone buzzed incessantly with messages and notifications, each one a frantic query or an urgent update. It was clear: people were hungry for insights.

Recently, a few of my followers had reached out, urging me to start a new series focused on market psychology — specifically, the nuanced and often counterintuitive behavior of crypto traders. This idea intrigued me, and I decided to dive right in, starting with a topic that had been buzzing around the community: the “hated rally.”

To illustrate this concept, let’s rewind to a couple of months ago to the explosive $ZETA launch, then we will fast forward to the present and talk about Ethereum. If you missed Zeta, don’t worry — I’ve got you covered. This wasn’t just another token launch; it was a classic case study in market psychology.

The Anatomy of a Hated Rally

1. Disappointing Airdrop

Crypto enthusiasts know the drill: airdrops are supposed to be lucrative. They’re the golden tickets in the crypto Willy Wonka factory. However, ZETA’s airdrop was anything but. The allocation was disappointing, leaving many participants feeling shortchanged and annoyed. Expectations were high, and when those expectations weren’t met, frustration led to a mass dump of the airdropped tokens. It’s a bit like being handed a coupon for a free meal, only to find out it’s valid for a small fries. The immediate reaction? Dump the coupon and walk away.

2. The Shorts Pile In

Following the lackluster airdrop, the sentiment quickly turned negative. Traders began shorting ZETA en masse, betting against the token’s success right out of the gate. The funding rates plunged deep into the negative territory, signaling a heavy influx of shorts. Why did this happen? It’s simple: disappointment breeds pessimism. People saw the poor airdrop, deemed the launch a failure, and decided to capitalize on the expected downward trend.

3. Negative Twitter Sentiment

In the crypto world, Twitter is more than just a social platform; it’s a barometer of market sentiment. Big accounts, influencers, and traders started spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) about ZETA. The chorus of negativity grew louder, and the mob mentality kicked in. If everyone’s saying it’s bad, it must be bad, right? The thumbs down button was ringing as people expressed how they feel on those sites we all check. This collective bearish sentiment further fueled the shorts, creating a perfect storm of pessimism.

4. The Hated Rally

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Despite the overwhelmingly negative sentiment, ZETA’s price began to rise. This is what we call a “hated rally.” It’s a psychological phenomenon where the very people who dumped their tokens in frustration see the price trending higher and are compelled to buy back in out of fear of missing out (FOMO). At the same time, shorts are forced to close their positions as the price climbs, adding more buying pressure and driving the price even higher.

It’s a vicious cycle: the more the price rises, the more people FOMO in, and the more shorts are forced to cover, pushing the price up even further. What happened with ZETA was a textbook example of this phenomenon. Traders who had written off the token were now scrambling to get back in, and the shorts were feeling the squeeze.

Lessons Learned

The $ZETA launch offered a treasure trove of insights for anyone navigating the volatile seas of crypto trading. Here are the key takeaways:

1. Manage Expectations: Always approach airdrops and new launches with tempered expectations. The market can be unpredictable, and not every airdrop will be a windfall.

2. Watch the Sentiment: Twitter and other social platforms are powerful tools for gauging market sentiment. Keep an eye on the chatter, but don’t let it dictate your trading decisions entirely.

3. Understand the Short Squeeze: Recognize the signs of a potential short squeeze. Heavy shorting, negative sentiment, and sudden price spikes can indicate that a hated rally is on the horizon.

4. Stay Objective: Emotional trading is a recipe for disaster. Whether you’re feeling FOMO or frustration, take a step back and make decisions based on data and strategy, not emotions.

Ethereum’s Hated Rally: Is the ETF Ignition the Catalyst?

Ethereum, the digital titan of decentralized finance and smart contracts, has seen its fair share of market mania and skepticism. But now, whispers of a potential “hated rally” are making the rounds, and there’s more to this speculation than mere rumor. As I sip my morning coffee, I can’t help but delve into the reasons why Ethereum might be on the brink of an explosive move to the upside, despite the recent wave of pessimism.

1. Market Sentiment and Short Positions

Right now, Ethereum’s sentiment isn’t exactly rosy. Critics have been loud about Ethereum’s high gas fees and the competition from other blockchain platforms like Solana and Binance Smart Chain. This bearish outlook has led to a significant increase in short positions on ETH. Traders, sensing blood in the water, have been betting heavily against Ethereum, expecting further declines.

However, here’s where it gets interesting. The more shorts pile in, the more explosive the rally can become if the tide turns. When the price starts to move against the shorts, they are forced to buy back ETH to cover their positions, adding fuel to the fire and pushing the price even higher.

2. The Bullish Catalyst: ETF Capital Inflows

Amidst the gloom, a beacon of bullishness has emerged: the imminent inflows from the Ethereum ETFs (Exchange Traded Fund). The ETF will open the floodgates for institutional investment, bringing a new wave of capital into the market. This isn’t just speculation; it’s a game-changer.

The anticipation of an ETF approval has already started to stir the pot. Institutional investors, who have been cautiously optimistic, are now eyeing Ethereum as a major player in their portfolios. The approval legitimized Ethereum further, making it more accessible to a broader range of investors.

3. Social Media and the Sentiment Shift

Twitter, the heartbeat of crypto sentiment, has been a mixed bag for Ethereum lately. Influential voices have been vocal about Ethereum’s issues, amplifying the negative sentiment. However, the narrative can shift rapidly. With the ETF news, there’s a growing buzz about Ethereum’s potential.

Remember, in crypto, sentiment is as fickle as it is powerful. What’s bearish today can turn bullish tomorrow. When the ETF starts trading, expect a flurry of positive tweets, blog posts, and media coverage. This shift in sentiment could catalyze the hated rally, as skeptics scramble to get back in, fearing they’ll miss the boat.

4. Historical Patterns and Resilience

Ethereum’s history is marked by resilience. After the 2018 bear market, Ethereum bounced back stronger, fueled by the DeFi boom and a renewed interest in blockchain technology. This historical precedent suggests that Ethereum has the capability to rebound sharply from periods of negativity.

With the ETF capital inflows on the horizon, Ethereum could be poised for another historic rally. The combination of negative sentiment, increased short positions, and a major bullish catalyst is a perfect recipe for a hated rally.

Conclusion: The Perfect Storm for Ethereum

As I finish my coffee and reflect on the day’s market chatter, the pieces of the puzzle start to come together. Ethereum, with its robust technology and pivotal role in the crypto ecosystem, is a prime candidate for a hated rally. The finalization of the ETF and the subsequent start of trading likely next week could be the spark that ignites this explosive move.

For traders and investors, the key is to stay ahead of the curve. Recognize the signs of a hated rally: negative sentiment, increased short positions, and a potential bullish catalyst. Ethereum is on the brink, and the hated rally could be just around the corner. I’ll be monitoring the price action and looking for longs in the coming days. It might not all be up action as a good look at the initial BTC ETF price action is warrant here. But that my friends might be another post on the for the psychology of the crypto markets.

For now, in the world of crypto, the unexpected is the norm. Keep your eyes peeled, stay informed, and be ready to act. Ethereum’s next big move might just be the hated rally everyone’s been whispering about. And when it happens, you’ll want to be ready. Don’t forget the four lessons learned we went over above and may the market be ever in your favor.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Please clap and share if you dare. I write for several different publications so subscribe so that you don’t miss any of my bull market alpha!

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*My blah blah blah disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and cannot provide investment advice. Cryptocurrencies and investing, in general, involve risk, and individuals should conduct their own research and consider their personal financial situation before making any investment decisions.



Token Trekker Crypto & Travel

Crypto Gem hunter | World Traveler | Editor of Crypto Currents