Understanding Web 3 Games: What Makes a Good One?

Mike Perez
3 min readJun 28, 2023


WEB3 Nerd playing P2E games

Web 3 games — or decentralized applications (dApps) built on blockchain technology — are defining the future of interactive gaming. When playing Web 3 games, players interact with open source code and smart contracts to build a user-owned digital world up from scratch. The distinguishing feature of Web 3 games is that they provide complete ownership over in-game assets

The world of gaming has come a long way since the days of Pong and Space Invaders. With new technologies and advancements in the gaming industry, developers are exploring new ways to create more interactive and engaging games.

One such trend is the rise of web 3 games — games that use blockchain-based technology to offer a decentralized, transparent, and secure platform for players to interact. With the increasing popularity of web 3 games, understanding what makes a good one is important for both players and developers. In this blog, we will explore the key ingredients that make a good web 3 game.

One of the primary things that make a great web 3 game is a great user experience. From the graphics, game mechanics, and user interface, every aspect of the game should be designed to provide an immersive gaming experience.

Games with complex gameplay, poor graphics, and confusing interfaces can quickly turn off players and drive them away from the game. To create a great user experience, developers need to focus on simplicity and functionality. Every element of the game should be easily understandable and accessible to the player.

The decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain technology is what sets web 3 games apart from traditional games. This feature ensures that the game is fair, secure, and free from external interference.

Good web 3 games should leverage this feature by using smart contracts and other blockchain-based solutions to provide a level playing field for all players. With transparency, players can track their progress and verify actions taken by other players, removing the need for intermediaries that may interfere with the outcomes of the game.

Rewards and incentives play a crucial role in web 3 games. They provide players with additional motivation to participate in the game and help to build a vibrant gaming community.

Great web 3 games should provide multiple ways for players to earn rewards, such as earning tokens, loot boxes, and other rewards. These rewards should be well balanced, not too small or too big, and should be earned in a fair and transparent manner.

Web 3 games are still in their nascent stages, and developers are constantly innovating and improving the gaming experience. Good web 3 games should be continuously evolving to keep players engaged and interested.

Developers should analyze player feedback, track metrics, and incorporate new technologies to enhance the gaming experience. Whether it’s adding new game modes, improving graphics, or incorporating new blockchain solutions, good web 3 games should always strive to improve and evolve.

Finally, web 3 games thrive on strong player communities. Developers should actively engage players, listen to their feedback, and create a platform for players to interact and connect with each other. Gaming communities foster a sense of belonging and can drive player retention, creating a sustainable gaming economy.

The world of web 3 gaming is still evolving, and developers have an opportunity to create engaging and immersive games. By focusing on a great user experience, leveraging blockchain technology, providing incentives and rewards, continuously innovating, and building strong player communities, developers can create games that capture the attention and imagination of gamers worldwide.

As the gaming world moves towards decentralization, web 3 games will undoubtedly take center stage, and it’s up to developers to create compelling gaming experiences.

Written by Mike Perez and Co-Authored by Artificial Intelligence.

Not financial advice, always do your own research.

My name is Mike I am a WEB2 turned WEB3 Nerd. I write about crypto, WEB3 Games, Blockchain, and AI.

I am currently serving as Outreach Wizard Ambassador for DappRadar DAO and the US Regional Ambassador for BoomLand Games.

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Mike Perez

AI, Web3, and video game enthusiast, penning the digital future. Words are my craft, tech my muse. Decoding the intersection of reality and virtuality.