The Universal Synthetics Project Mission and Goals

3 min readMar 22, 2022


The advantages of crypto assets over most fiat assets are that the widespread introduction makes these developed financial markets highly accessible to all interested parties, regardless of their welfare, economic or social status. The Universal Synthetic project mission lays out the promotion of equal opportunities and the reduction of inequality of outcomes, whereas the project goal is the creation and advancement of composite synthetic digital assets, which provide any user from anywhere in the world with access to liquidity and profits with a simple click of a few buttons, without the dictates of centralized intermediaries.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

The latest changes in the area of fiat finance, caused not so much by economic but rather political problems, show the absolute advantage of cryptocurrencies and computer protocols over fiat currencies and instruments. In this regard, we predict a significant surge in demand for synthetic assets that allow combining the benefits of both crypto assets and traditional assets (such as stocks, bonds, and ETFs) in one portfolio. The use of DeFi protocols makes these advantages available to all market players without intermediaries and restrictions.

The Project mission

The Project mission is to promote equal opportunities and the reduction of inequality of outcomes by providing access to the profitability of developed financial markets to all interested parties, regardless of their age, gender, race, origin, religion, and economic or welfare status.

In this, the Universal Synthetics project directly contributes to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in terms of reducing inequalities within and between countries, such as:

  • progressively reach and maintain income growth of the bottom 40% of the population at a rate higher than the national average;
  • encourage the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or other status;
  • ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome.

The Project goal

The Project goal is to create composite synthetic digital assets that combine different instruments, both fiat and crypto, in one digital instrument.

  • A composite synthetic digital asset can be a simple combination of several stocks representing an index or heterogeneous assets (such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, stock indexes and crypto assets) — that is, an investment portfolio;
  • The composite synthetic digital asset price is tied to the cost of real assets using the UMA’s Optimistic Oracle mechanism;
  • The composite synthetic digital assets of the project are built using UMA financial contract templates. USDC stablecoins are used as collateral.

The creation and advancement of composite synthetic digital assets through the employment of DeFi protocols and the UMA platform provides the service with inclusiveness: when any user from anywhere in the world gets access to liquidity and profit by simply pressing a few buttons, without intermediaries and restrictions.

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