Unlocking the future of encryption and hashing! MiMC

2 min readJul 27, 2023


Get ready to dive into the groundbreaking research paper that’s transforming the world of cryptography. 🚀🧵

MiMC: Efficient Encryption and Cryptographic Hashing with Minimal Multiplicative


This paper presents MiMC, a novel cryptographic primitive that serves as both a block cipher and cryptographic hash function. It covers the design rationale, efficiency, and security analysis of MiMC.

The paper delves into various versions of MiMC designed for different field sizes. It thoroughly compares the performance of these variants with other cryptographic primitives. Additionally, it explores the implementation of MiMC in verifiable computation and SNARK settings.


How can a construction for a secure block cipher or cryptographic hash function be designed to minimize the number of field multiplications?


The paper presents an analysis of the computational cost of field multiplications in various cryptographic constructions, such as SNARKs, Sboxes, and round functions. It also discusses the impact of different exponents on the security and implementation.


The paper concludes that minimizing the number of field multiplications is crucial for achieving efficient and secure cryptographic constructions.

It suggests using exponents of the form 2^t + 1 or 2^t — 1, where t is a positive integer, and highlights the importance of choosing prime values for the field size to prevent certain attacks.

The paper also mentions the scarcity of candidates that natively work in larger fields, such as GF(2^m), and emphasizes the need for further research in this area.

Check out this mind-blowing paper here: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/492

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