Unlocking the Secrets to Moving On from Grief: Tips You Won’t Want to Miss

4 min readOct 15, 2023


“Embrace the pain, but don’t let it define your future.”

Grief, it’s that emotion that sneaks up on you when you least expect it. In this article, we’re diving into some secret tips for moving on from grief. No fancy jargon here, just straightforward advice that you can start using today. Let’s get started.

The Hidden Emotion: Let’s Talk About Grief

Grief is a tricky thing. Sometimes it’s like an unexpected wave crashing over you. Other times, it’s a quiet ache that lingers in the background. The first secret tip? Don’t hide from it. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or lost when you’re grieving. The secret to moving on begins with acknowledging those feelings.

Secret Tip #1: Acknowledge Your Feelings, It’s Okay

We often try to push our grief away or pretend it’s not there. But the secret is, it’s perfectly fine to feel the way you do. Embrace those emotions, even the messy ones. It’s the first step to healing. The best-kept secret? You’re not alone in feeling this way.

Secret Tip #2: Lean on Your People

Now, here’s a not-so-secret secret: your people — your friends and family — are there for you. They might not know what to say, but they want to help. Let them in. Share your thoughts and feelings. It’s a secret tip as old as time, and it really works.

Secret Tip #3: Keep the Memories Alive

One of the secrets to moving on is keeping the memories alive. Those little things that remind you of your loved one? Cherish them. They’re like pieces of your heart. The secret tip here is that remembering can be a source of comfort, a way to keep your connection strong.

Secret Tip #4: Find Your Inner Resilience

Resilience, it’s like your secret weapon against grief. You might not realize how strong you are, but you have an inner strength waiting to be unleashed. You can bounce back from grief. The secret? Believe in yourself.

Secret Tip #5: Embrace a Brighter Tomorrow

Grief can make you feel like you’re in an endless night. But guess what? There’s a secret tip for finding a brighter tomorrow. It’s about rekindling hope and looking forward to a new beginning. Secrets can’t stay hidden forever.

Secret Tip #6: When to Seek a Pro’s Help

Sometimes, the secrets to moving on from grief are best uncovered with professional help. If your grief feels overwhelming and too heavy to bear, don’t be shy about seeking support. There’s no shame in it, and it’s one of the best-kept secrets of healing.

Secret Tip #7: Grief, a Lifelong Companion

Here’s a big secret: grief never truly disappears. It becomes a part of who we are. It’s like a lifelong companion, sometimes in the background, sometimes right beside you. But you can make peace with it, and it becomes a part of your story.

Secret Tip #8: Pay it Forward

One of the most beautiful secrets of all is paying it forward. Helping others who are going through what you’ve been through is a way to heal yourself. It’s like a secret gift that keeps on giving.

In Conclusion: Your Grief, Your Journey

To wrap it up, these are not really secrets. They’re more like guides to help you on your journey through grief. Your experience is unique, and it’s okay to feel the way you do. Use these tips as tools to start your healing process. Your grief is part of your story, but it doesn’t have to be the whole story.




A wordsmith, , love to write on mental health as well as physical health, self development, wellbeing, beuty tips , living hacks and many more.