Unveiling the Secrets to a Purposeful Life: A Conversation with Chad Hufford

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2024


Chad Hufford (Veritas Wealth Management)

Chad Hufford (Veritas Wealth Management)

In the heart of Anchorage, Alaska, where the wilderness meets modern life, I had the privilege of conversing with Chad Hufford, a visionary in the realm of finance and life coaching. Chad, with his unique blend of expertise in financial planning, athletics, nutrition, and performance psychology, has shaped a philosophy that transcends the boundaries of traditional finance. In this conversation, we delved into the insights and strategies that Chad employs to help his clients lead a life of abundance and intentionality.

The Journey Begins in Alaska

Chad’s story, deeply rooted in the rugged beauty of Alaska, is a testament to the harmony that can exist between financial security and personal well-being. As the head of Veritas Wealth Management, managing half a billion dollars, Chad brings a holistic approach to finance. His life in Alaska, surrounded by nature’s grandeur and challenges, has profoundly influenced his perspective on life and wealth management.

A Triad of Success: Finance, Fitness, and Faith

What sets Chad apart is his belief in the interconnectedness of finance, fitness, and faith. He views these elements as…



Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD

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