Upgradeability may (not) be a Bug

Andrea f Speziale
3 min readFeb 19, 2019


Inspired by Upgradeability Is a Bug and a true ERC-20 Token story.

I mostly agree with Stevens’s article.
But what happens when one of your company’s main product should be unstoppable code running on the Ethereum blockchain and interacting with smart contracts which have:

  • non-compliant standard interface;
  • unpredictable business logic/interface implementation?

Mix everything with:

  • the (not so) early stage of the overall Ethereum environment;
  • the rush of the start-ups aiming at a “when Lambo” ICO;
  • the belief that just a bit of “copy and paste” would be enough to create an ERC-20 Token smart contract

and you will end up designing an upgradeable smart contract.

This has been one of our challenges.
A part of our Hybrid Decentralized Exchange solution was to deliver to users a smart contract aka TradingWallet for ERC-20 tokens management.

From an architectural point of view we designed the TradingWallet as a combination of three smart contracts:

  • the Wallet smart contract: keeping track of the state variables and defining the TradingWallet functionalities interface;
  • the WalletLogicV1/2/3… smart contract: implementing the business logic of the above interface;
  • the WalletConnector smart contract: connecting the Wallet SC with the WalletLogicVx SC.

Basically the Wallet smart contract is redirecting a function call to the WalletLogicVx proper function implementation underneath using .delegatecall().

so if the TradingWallet business logic could be changed under the hood, how could an upgradeable smart contract be immutable and trustworthy?

Giving up the power in favor of its user, known as the contract Owner.

Each time a new TradingWallet is automatically deployed it will be connected to a specific user, more specifically to the user’s externally owned accounts.
So the contract Owner can:

  • agree with the creation of his/her TradingWallet using the current public WalletLogicVx;
  • manage his/her assets;
  • then possibly agree with the update of the current WalletLogicVx of his/her TradingWallet that might fix some bugs.

As you can imagine, the TradingWallet purpose is managing ETH and tokens for trading.
The ERC-20 tokens are smart contracts defined by their common interface:


Unfortunately there are many tokens that don’t satisfy the interface above.
Indeed there are a lot of tokens that aren’t returning any value for critical functions like the transfer or the transferFrom function.

It makes it quite difficult to understand if a user TradingWallet deposit function call has actually succeeded.
The most common way to assure the success of the transfer before changing any other EVM state is:

require(IERC20(_tokenAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount), …);

but since the recently added RETURNDATASIZE opcode and the bad token returning a data size shorter than expected the above require reverts the EVM state transition even if the transfer would actually succeed.

so how have we handled the issue without discontinuing the service?

Writing a bit of assembly, explaining and proposing to our users an upgrade of the TradingWallet.

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Andrea f Speziale

Occasional writer and impostor coder. Randomly traversing the software engineering black hole 🕳️ #typescript and #nodejs enthusiast @Musixmatch