Using Blockchain Technology in Storing & Managing Medical Records - Part 1

Tamir Suliman


Balancing patients’ medical privacy rights with easy access to their medical histories via electronic health records is one of the most difficult issues facing the health care sector (EHRs). Any mandatory privacy rules, which vary from country to jurisdiction, must be complied with by EHRs. A difficulty is also presented by the disparate solutions’ inconsistent use of data standards.

The one-size-fits-all approach used to create today’s electronic health records might be replaced by blockchain-based medical records systems in the future, which, if properly implemented, could be significantly more accurate, secure, and accessible while giving patients more control. How? Read on.

As we all know theoretically, EMRs increase access to medical records, but it doesn’t always make the procedure simpler. Security and access controls, as well as compliance criteria, have become more stringent as a result of the tough HIPAA regulations.

Who is most impacted by this?

EMRs, however, have fallen short of expectations over time and are now the main contributor to physician fatigue. This is caused by a number of problems with these systems, but one in particular is significant. Many healthcare professionals feel that data input takes up an excessive amount…



Tamir Suliman

Writer, Engineer, Cyber security enthusiast ,PhD. Candidate & 4 Open Source write about my day to day experience in Software Data, and Engineering.