Verifying Smart Contracts | Why and How

Ananya Mishra
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2023


Verification of smart contracts allows the deployed contract’s source code to be publicly accessible and viewable by anyone. It is done through platforms like Etherscan (a popular block explorer). Verification serves several important purposes:

1. Code Integrity: Verification ensures that the deployed smart contract matches the intended source code. It confirms that the contract’s code has not been modified or tampered with during the deployment process, providing assurance that the contract’s behavior aligns with the developer’s intentions.

2. Security Analysis: Verification allows developers and other users to analyze the code for potential security vulnerabilities or weaknesses. By reviewing the source code, individuals with expertise in smart contract security can identify and address any potential issues before they are exploited by malicious actors.

3. Bug Detection: Verification can help identify programming bugs or errors in the smart contract’s code. It allows developers to catch and fix any mistakes or unintended behaviors that could have adverse effects on the contract’s execution or the users’ interactions with it.

4. Trust and Transparency: Verification promotes trust and transparency within the blockchain ecosystem. By making the source code available for inspection, developers demonstrate their commitment to open and accountable practices. Users and businesses can review the code and assess the level of security and reliability of the smart contract they intend to interact with.

5. Community Participation: Verification also enables the broader community, including experienced developers and bug hunters, to contribute to the security of the ecosystem. By allowing public access to the source code, developers can benefit from the collective expertise of the community, who can identify potential vulnerabilities or suggest improvements.

In summary, the purpose of verification is to enhance the security, trustworthiness, and reliability of smart contracts. It helps ensure that the deployed code aligns with the intended source code, minimizes the risk of security vulnerabilities, and promotes transparency and community engagement in the development process.

Who gives a certain piece of source code of a deployed smart contract the green check of verification? Is it a vote based system?

The verification process of a deployed smart contract on platforms like Etherscan typically does not involve a vote-based system. Instead, it relies on technical analysis and comparison to determine whether the source code matches the deployed contract.

When a smart contract’s source code is submitted for verification, platforms like Etherscan perform an automated analysis. The platform compares the provided source code with the bytecode or machine-readable code deployed on the blockchain. If the comparison shows a match, indicating that the deployed contract’s bytecode corresponds to the submitted source code, the contract is considered verified.

The verification process often includes additional checks to ensure that the contract’s source code is valid and free of any security vulnerabilities. These checks may include detecting common coding patterns, identifying potential risks, and ensuring compliance with coding standards or best practices.

Once the verification process is complete, if the source code matches the deployed contract and passes the required checks, the platform assigns a verification status, often represented by a green checkmark or a similar indicator. This status indicates that the contract’s source code has been successfully verified and is considered valid.

Block explorers, including platforms like Etherscan, are indeed third-party applications that provide users with access to information about blockchain transactions, addresses, and smart contracts. While it’s important to trust and utilize reputable platforms, it’s equally important to employ independent verification methods and engage the wider community to enhance security and reduce reliance on any single entity or platform.

Who verifies the source code of a deployed contract?

In the context of platforms like Etherscan, the verification of a deployed smart contract’s source code can be performed by various parties, including: Developers, Users, Security Auditors (experienced developers or security professionals specializing in smart contract security), Bug Hunters and Community.

