For hands-on coin data visualization, analysis, and comparison
Visualize and analyze cryptocurrencies in full detail online
View historical prices and market caps with full control of time ranges, plotting data in linear or log scale, raw data or normalized to the last date or as daily differences or coefficients of variation, even smoothing over time. Compare pairs of coins, too, and ask for custom versions of the app suited to your needs.
Disclaimer: Neither the app presented here nor this article constitute financial advice. I am not liable for problems, errors or bugs in the program or the data and graphics it provides. And of course, I am not liable for any misuse of the app, the data and plots provided by it, or for economic losses you might incur in as a result of using the app.
That said, have fun and do get in touch for questions or suggestions!
Getting a grasp on data is essential to facilitate learning of new subjects, inform decisions, etc. The crypto world is no different.