Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2024


The entire Web 3 ecosystem prides itself as the savior of the people. Here to save the masses from the big mean Web 2 companies.

Homeless Photo

Blockchain technology promises three things: better security, decentralization, and privacy. Whether you get these perks while homeless is not an issue, if you are not a layer 2 solution, you can wait in line like everyone else.

For a technology that claims to be inclusive, only a small portion of people get to play in the field, and the rest can sit their asses on the sidelines and jam their hands together (if they like).

There is no doubt that Web3 and Blockchain technology are here to stay and have a big impact to play, but being a curious person, I am left wondering, what role this technology can play in the homeless crisis going on in the world.

According to the World Economic Forum, 150 million people were homeless worldwide in 2021, which is about 2% of the world’s population. The statistic is just an estimation of homelessness in the world and if you ask me, I will say there are far more homeless people in the world than 150 million.

Before we continue with the juicy details, let us take a look at homelessness and what it means to be without a home.

There is no standard or accepted definition of what it means to be homeless, but the common definition of homelessness is people or persons without a place to call their home.

Permit me to add my definition based on what I have witnessed and know. I will define homelessness as a state of not being able to afford the necessities of a good life. A state where someone cannot help themselves because the odds are stacked against them.

A state of being unable to afford a good meal, sleep on a soft bed, or have a room to call yours. Homelessness is a state of helplessness.

That was a bit Grim. Now, let’s lighten things up.

What role can Web3 and Blockchain technology play in alleviating the suffering of people worldwide?

For any product to sell, it has to have a community willing to pay for or indulge its service, and web3 is sticking to its script of being community-governed or controlled.

So how can this community of people that govern themselves be of any help to the community of homeless people living on the streets?


A percentage of homeless people have cell phones and can therefore tap into the many incentives web3 companies offer but, the web3 companies can take it further by having a special feature in their offerings where homeless people can do more tasks to get more rewards.

The tasks could be signing up for an airdrop, doing some tasks, or answering some questions that non-homeless people can do. The only difference here is they are given the chance to do more and convert their rewards to fiat currencies.

Homeless people are not lazy people, they are just people who fell on hard times and can therefore do more tasks if given the opportunity.


Charity organizations all over the world rely on donations and partnerships to keep the lights on. Undoubtedly, web3 companies also do their fair share in the charity department but, they could do more.

People in Need Today (PINT) is one such charity organization that could use a partnership with a web3 company or many web3 companies to further continue its charity efforts in London.

The partnership doesn’t have to be monetary, it could be a form of partnership where a restaurant or stores accept a token from the partnering web3 companies.

The people get to pay for food, groceries, and clean socks with their tokens and the restaurants or stores get to hodl onto the tokens for future investments.


Apart from food, homeless people also need socks, jackets, clothes, blankets, and healthcare for survival. A web3 community could have a homeless section where homeless people can ask for things they need and anyone in the community can give out any of the items they have and no longer use.

The decentralization of blockchain technology will make sure the items get to those who need them immediately. The transaction will be between the person giving the items and the person collecting them.

Homeless people also have their pride and some may not feel comfortable asking for things but the anonymity of blockchain technology also protects both parties from having to see each other.

You need something, you ask for it, and someone who could spare that item reaches out, and both parties agree on a drop-off point, the person drops off the item, informs the other party, and the item gets picked up. This way both parties get to maintain their identity and security.

The world is constantly recycling, new things become old, and old things become new. What was fashionable in 1990 can be fashionable again in 2030. Everything is constantly being redefined and charity is no exception to this ongoing change.

Charity on the blockchain means everyone can give knowing they are dealing directly with the person they want to help out. The little you give could mean the world to someone who needs it.


Homelessness is a big issue that affects millions of people worldwide. No matter where you are reading this article from, chances are there are at least a few hundred homeless people there.

Web3 can make a lot of difference in homelessness by decentralizing charity and giving help directly to people who need it.

People in Need Today (PINT) is one such charity organization that is willing to embrace web3 and blockchain technology to revolutionize charity giving.

You can find people in need today (PINT) on Instagram by clicking the link above and see for yourself the good work they are doing in London.

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