Survival in the 2020s has gone from just having a place to sleep and food to eat to protecting ourselves digitally.

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4 min readMar 10, 2022


The world is moving at the speed of light. You take your eyes off your phone or laptop screen for five minutes and boom! There’s a new technology in town. It has become increasingly difficult to keep track of every innovation that comes out because they just don’t stop coming at you.

web 3.0 | Insights

We are seeing massive adoption of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, Defi, DAOs, and with all these new technologies come new digital threats. We now face numerous digital threats and we must be ready to conquer them or risk losing our identities, going broke, or getting hacked.

The 2020s is no longer the era for computer geeks and nerds but the era for all of humanity. If we must survive and partake in this new world that is unfolding before our very eyes, we must take drastic steps to protect ourselves. So gentlemen and ladies, let’s strap up as we dive into the unknown. You either go hard or go home.

So how can you keep up with these new innovations and protect yourself at the same time?

The answer is pretty simple. We keep up by having our own web 3 survival kit. This survival kit is just like the first aid kit we all have at home, the only difference here is there are no bandages or plasters in there but technology that will keep us safe. We fight fire with fire. Technology with Technology.

1: cold storage.

The first item in our survival kit is cold storage. Hackers are on the prowl looking for their next unsuspecting prey. Keeping our cryptocurrency safe from wallet invaders is now a must-have skill. Unlike before in the analog world where a central authority is in charge of the safety of your bank account, web 3 gives users the ability to hold and safeguard their crypto wallets however they see fit and one of such methods is cold storage.

Cold storage is wallets that are not connected to the internet, they are offline storage for cryptocurrency. Storing your cryptocurrency in a cold wallet has numerous benefits, one of such storage is protecting it from hackers.

2: management of your private key.

You might be wondering why you are seeing this but a large chunk of web3 is related to cryptocurrency. It is literally impossible to talk about web 3 without talking about cryptocurrency. They are two sides of a coin. So what is private key management? Well, for starters, the private key can be said to be a bunch of gibberish letters and numbers spurned together by some sort of computer algorithm to gain access to crypto wallets when the password has been forgotten.

Private keys are like the spare key you keep with your mother or friends just in case you lose yours. Now that the definition is out of the way, private key management is simply the act of safeguarding your spare key and knowing where to keep them for easy retrieval and protection from wallet invaders.

3: Encryption

Have you ever noticed the Whatsapp notification message you see when you are about to chat a new friend up? The message goes like this “messages are end to end encrypted”. The world is moving so fast that a 10-year-old high school student can hack your messaging platforms and leak your private chats putting you in big trouble.

Encryption is the process of protecting your information, messages from those who want to see it without your permission. Encryption has evolved past protecting your messages to do sophisticated and cool things like verify and prove identity. To make sure a person is who they say they are.

4: Digital work positioning

The tectonic plates of job applications and recruitments are moving and changing at an incredibly fast rate and as such we must change and move it. Web3 is not just the future of the internet. It is the future of everything. Digital work positioning is a must-have survival skill.

If we must survive and thrive we must figure out the skills that are needed and are in demand in the web3 ecosystem and figure out how to position ourselves for the opportunities these skills bring. Gone are the days of going to college to study a course for years and later ending up jobless. In the web3 space, things don’t work like that. You make your research of the skills that are needed for the field of your interest and you go for it.

5: Defi

Decentralized finance is an important part of our web3 survival kit. Decentralized finance brings the dream of blockchain technology to life which is the complete decentralization and removal of the third parties in financial transactions. Defi is here to set us free from the shackles and scrutiny of conventional financial institutions. Learning Defi and how it works is a must-have web3 survival skill.


Physical boundaries and geographical restrictions are about to be a thing of the past. We are moving into a permissionless and borderless economy that anyone with a smartphone and internet connection can participate in and make an impact. Web3 gives access to like-minded individuals and the power to connect and make magic but it also opens us up to predators with ill intent which is why we must have our web3 survival kit ready.

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