Web3 = community first. How and why to organize a meetup | Case study Internet Computer Happy Hour Rome

Paolo ∞
Published in
5 min readJun 8, 2022


Even the most innovative sector of the Internet needs to be phygital therefore to approach its users in real life as well. That’s why meetups in the web3 sector are important events where people can get to know each other and connect even outside of virtual life.

I am Paolo, I work as a Marketer with Dfinity Foundation that made open source Internet Computer Protocol: 3rd gen blockchain permissionless L1 fastest in the world infinitely scalable and decentralized that aims to become the public open internet for web3 creation.

I organized the first European ICP Meetup in May 2022, and in this guide, I want to give you some insights on how and why to organize a meetup. Maybe they will be useful for your own projects.

Shall we get started?

Why the user is the heart of every web3 project?

One of the most famous slogans of Web3 is, “read, write, own,” which sums up in a nutshell that people have the ability to become owners of the application they are interacting with.

from the web

In fact, this is exactly what happens with dapps, project tokens, and DAOs: each user can become not only a user but also an owner of a part of that project in which he or she believes: either as an investor or as part of the DAO (a kind of board of directors).

At the center is the user, so community first: without a community, a project cannot have a long life.

That’s why Meetups are really important: phygital has never been more important than it is now.

Meet-up: reaching where the internet can’t

“Touch Scream” of Federico Clapis

Imprinting a memorable memory and entertaining your community is the most human gesture and that missing piece that today’s Internet cannot fulfill.

And live gives birth to great collaborations, partnerships and maybe friendships.

This could be a good marketing move for a lot of online businesses.

When and how do you organize a Meetup?

In 8 points I have tried to summarize some of the things you need to keep in mind in order to succeed in organizing a successful Meetup:

1. Context

Based on your niche, in this case the web3 if you want to organize a successful event I’m going to choose a place and a date that provides for the possibility of the largest membership from interested people: today during the most important fairs and conventions cities are filled with side events. More competition, more work to be done.

2. Location

Depending on the format you want to bring, the choice of location is critical because it will impact the meetup experience. Whether it’s a lounge bar or a conference room makes a big difference.

3. Service

You can opt for solutions that arrange everything for you or you can arrange everything yourself, the effort will definitely be different.

4. Anchor tools

Giving something away during the event will make sure to give attendees something physical to remind them of the event and perhaps use the item in question for more exposure that perpetuates over time.
E.g. stickers, t-shirts, flyers, nfts, poap

5. Wow effect

Being able to find something that will make guests react positively to the event and create the “wow moment” will make everything even more memorable and fun
E.g. Flashmob, scavenger hunt, etc.

6. Ice-Breaker

Sometimes you need something to break the ice and allow people to melt, interact and enjoy the event.
E.g. Openbar

7. Marketing

Announcing the event in advance will ensure that you can spread the word and let word of mouth do its work. Neither too long before nor too late.
8. Pvt invitations + public invitations
That certain people are there can make all the difference to a successful event.
E.g. industry influencers

Make it memorable

If you have prepared this carefully and give people a chance to actively enjoy the event the event will have all the makings of a success.

Case Study: Internet Computer Happy Hour Rome

event poster

On May 26, I organized the first European Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) meetup.

ICP is a 3rd gen general-purpose blockchain permissionless L1 world’s fastest infinitely scalable and decentralized blockchain that aims to be the public open internet for creating the web3.

I decided to organize it in Rome during Blockchain Week because we knew that those interested in the field were in town on those days.

The location was Coinbar because it is a crypto-related bar and it was strategically close to the main event, we got a lot of help in terms of promotion from them which definitely made a difference.

The time was typical for Happy Hour, plus the main event was closing at the same time, people could very well then move to the bar for drinks.

We offered drinks to those who had previously taken a ticket on Eventbrite, it depends on the city the most used apps are Eventbrite and “Meetup”.

We gave minting of the special event nft to those in attendance.

Here it is:

I think the wow effect was the combination of all factors: so for 5 hours the bar was full of people networking and having fun.
+350 participants
+5 hours of party
positive post-evening feedback

sneak peak from the start of the event

My experience has been positive, some people believe it’s just luck, and some people believe luck doesn’t exist.

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I hope this guide was helpful to you, and that it inspired you.

I count on it that if you ever organize an event you will invite me ;)

See you next time



Paolo ∞

Marketer//PM//Entrepreneur in the web3. ICP Enthusiast.