Web3 Realities: Centralization’s Stealth Grip on the Decentralized Dream

4 min readFeb 12, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3, the concept of decentralization is both a beacon of promise and a source of contention. As decentralized applications (dApps) proliferate, the underlying infrastructure and its reliance on centralized elements cast shadows over the utopian ideals of a fully decentralized internet. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the complexities surrounding decentralization in Web3, exploring the nuances, challenges, and potential solutions.

The Enigma of Centralized Dynamics:
At the heart of the Web3 paradox lies the dilemma of centralization. While the ethos of decentralization promises freedom from the clutches of a few, the harsh reality reveals a different narrative. Most dApps find themselves tethered to centralized servers, primarily relying on giants like Infura and Alchemy for blockchain interactions. The repercussions are stark — a handful of entities wield disproportionate influence, giving rise to concerns of centralization within the decentralized domain.

Venture Capital’s Firm Grip:
The financial tentacles of venture capital firms extend deep into the Web3 ecosystem, shaping the destiny of major players. Examples abound, with ConsenSys, the owner of MetaMask and Infura, securing a staggering $450 million in a Series D round. Alchemy, not far behind, raised $200 million, signaling a surge in investor interest. As capital flows in, the narrative of decentralization finds itself entangled in the financial interests of a select few.

NFTs and Fragile Art:
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), celebrated as the epitome of digital ownership, present another facet of centralization. While residing on the blockchain, the URLs embedded in NFTs expose them to external vulnerabilities. Changes in IP addresses or domain drops can swiftly erase the digital artwork’s existence, highlighting the fragility of decentralization in the NFT realm.

The Crypto Experiment of Moxie Marlinspike:
Moxie Marlinspike’s NFT experiment on OpenSea serves as a poignant reminder of the underlying issues. Minting an NFT that dynamically changed based on the viewer, Marlinspike exposed the inherent centralization in the process. MetaMask transactions passing through Infura and ConsenSys’ servers raise concerns about privacy and data security, emphasizing the gap between idealistic decentralization and pragmatic convenience.

Vitalik Buterin’s Optimism:
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin remains optimistic about a future where building and running applications directly on the Ethereum blockchain becomes easier and more cost-effective. Lightweight clients and diversified API endpoints across companies are envisioned as solutions to mitigate reliance on centralized services.

Web3 Infrastructure: Current Realities:
The early days of Web3 development witnessed the dominance of centralized RPC providers, offering quick access to nodes and efficient tools. However, the sustainability and security challenges posed by centralized systems gave rise

to concerns. The market’s oligopoly structure, with a few providers like Alchemy and Infura, intensified the need for decentralization in Web3 infrastructure.

Decentralized Alternatives Emerge:
In response to the risks associated with centralization, decentralized RPC node providers like Ankr, Lava Network, dRPC, and Pocket Network have entered the scene. While these alternatives aim to reduce reliance on centralized services, challenges such as sustainable business models and the need for organic growth persist.

The Infrastructural Impracticality of Decentralization:
Despite the fervor for decentralization, the current infrastructure of many blockchain technologies contradicts these aspirations. The dependence on centralized cloud services like AWS and Google Cloud poses a serious threat to the decentralized nature of dApps. Outages, coercive attacks, and censorship vulnerabilities emerge as formidable obstacles to the Web3 dream.

The Tipping Point for Scale:
Enterprises cautiously observe the Web3 landscape, with giants like Google, Microsoft, and AWS adopting a wait-and-see approach. While innovation initiatives and fintech integrations flourish, the lack of substantial market demand impedes the large-scale investment required for significant growth. A tipping point looms, where Web3 startups could transition from being insignificant to formidable competitors, triggering potential acquisitions by industry behemoths.

The Potential Appchain Acquisition Wave:
As infrastructure firms in Web3 gain scale, they become attractive acquisition targets for big tech. Firms like Alchemy, Infura, and Thirdweb, offering cloud-like API services, could pave the way for major cloud providers to offer their own decentralized services. The prospect of acquisition raises questions about the decentralization ethos clashing with corporate interests.

Censorship Challenges and Geoblocking:
Web3, despite its promises of censorship resistance, faces challenges when utilizing centralized providers. The infamous Tornado Cash ban illustrates the vulnerability of decentralized services to government sanctions and regulation. Geoblocking, as witnessed in MetaMask’s ban on Iranian users, showcases how regulatory constraints can compromise the decentralized nature of Web3 platforms.

The journey through the Web3 maze reveals a landscape marred by centralization pitfalls and promises of decentralization. As the industry grapples with technical challenges, regulatory scrutiny, and the delicate balance between convenience and autonomy, the future of Web3 remains uncertain. Striking the right chords between innovation, decentralization, and user-friendly experiences will determine whether Web3 can truly evolve into the decentralized internet it aspires to be.




Passionate Web3 Alchemist, weaving code into decentralized wonders. Crafting the future as a Developer and penning the narrative as a Writer.