Welcome to the experiental economy!

Bert Bosman
7 min readMay 16, 2018


Yesterday I’ve picked up my first digital token with the BlockV-app! 😁

You can sent it, drop it, delete it and deliver a message to the one who has left it… and apparently you can buy a cup of coffee with it!

.. quote by ‘me’ yesterday at the BlockDam meet-up… go check us out! ;)

There are so many possibilities with these new tokens, that I don’t even know where to start. Well, let’s just take off at the beginning then…

If you download the app and use the camera to scan this red surprise box on the website, you will get your first vAtom-token! These VEE-tokens are smart-contract tokens built to the ERC-20 token standard, and you will be one of the early adaptors of them, so first let’s just celebrate a bit!


If you subsequently open the map in the app, then you will see ‘a new layer-grid’ that has been placed all-over the world. A new place where all of a sudden new and exciting things are possible. Off course we knew that concept already. A lot of us don’t really use it yet, but we are calling this ‘an augmented reality application’. This time it’s a little bit different though. This new layer will be combined with what might very well be millions of digital tokens soon.

So let’s imagine a year from now. The BlockV-app will be more developed. You will be leaving your house with thousands of these ‘hidden away tokens’ in your city. They are just waiting for you to be discovered, but maybe this time they have been placed there personally for you by some of your dear friends, just because it is your birthday! In the morning, after you wake up and had a cup of coffee, you will be surprised with a nice and personal message. This message will tell you to open the app and to follow instructions, which off course you do.

In the next few hours, by discovering the next digital surprises one by one, and at the same time meeting your friends (who off course can follow your every move on their phones) you will have a completely new way to spent your day and be completely amazed! Tell me who is not looking for an exciting new tour like this in their life? Or… maybe you are a bit grumpy in the mornings? Or you don’t like apps anymore… and you probably think you will be able to withstand your curiosity?

Well off course those are always options… but then the token-surprise birthday-party is just one crazy thought. Just thinking about the possibilities of these tokens gives an amazing new range of ideas to fantasise about.

Let’s stay with the coffeeshop for a bit. Suddenly this token can become:

  • ‘a coupon’… so you can just get a cup of coffee for free.
  • a ‘loyalty program’, which might establish ‘.. your special relationship..’ with your local coffeeshop. So go collect a few of these tokens and get a box of sweet chocolates in return for free!
  • a collectible, for that special occasion one day. That exclusive moment at the coffeeshop that you’ve just experienced with a friend or relative, who is off course very dear to you. Wait, maybe even your favourite artist comes along and leaves a token personally signed for you somewhere, with a photo off course, or a song written exclusively for you!
  • a gift card, for a free birthday coffee for your mother, which you sent her with that box of chocolates you still saved in your wallet. You did not consume them, because you are on a diet off course, because of all the sweets you already ate from these collected tokens.
  • a product-voucher, for a coffee made exactly the way your mother likes it at her own local coffee shop! No need to explain anything, the information is all in the token…
  • a gaming token, to give to the virtual guard standing outside of your coffeeshop… so you can pick up his virtual car, while he is enjoying his coffee for free!

Okay. So we’ve thought about some amazing scenario’s already. These tokens can become our personal diary! But… let’s just apply all of the same possibilities to some of the other industries we can think off…

These digital tokens can literally bring a new way of educating people! A school trip will never be the same. They can give tourists a completely new experience, no city has been explored the way you can with these tokens as a guide. Let’s look at the art-market for a second. New digital artists can use these tokens to be creative in a way that has not been possible ever before. Paintings can be the secret carrier of these hidden tokens, and you can give them away just as easily. When someone else comes along that needs them more, you just click the button and there it goes. What about new jobs, or environmental issues? People can clean the grass field in the park the day after the festival. Or they can be used by the municipality for spreading bounties to complete different tasks nearby. And that is just to name a few of the possibilities… there is no limit to the creativity here. And they all are worth something! And..

.. you might also be able to use them, just like you use your money now…

If you have thought about some other examples, let me know in the comments!

Anatomy of a vAtom, excerpt from the white-paper!

What Peter Diamandis’ (yes he is an advisor on the board of BlockV ; ) calls a ‘user interface moment’ happens…

“.. when a platform or interface arrives that allows something formerly difficult to become easy to use and build upon, unlocking its revenue generating potential..

A great example for a moment like this is when the internet browser in the nineties launched. In 1993 there were only 26 websites. In 1994, there were 10,000 and by 1998, there were millions! Mosaic (later Netscape) was also a “user interface moment.” Or think about when Steve Jobs brought the iPhone in existence and at the same time the App store came about.

“ The App Store allowed anyone to bring ideas to life and access a massive global audience. Since 2008… 300,000 developers have written 2 million apps that have been downloaded 140 billion times…” from: Bold, Peter Diamandis, 2016.

Well I’ve tried the app now, and I realise that these tokens just might be the same. To be honest, okay, it doesn’t really work 100% now, that’s because it is in beta. Yes, also the platform will probably have some scalability issues later on. Surely when a truly popular game is developed, many people will not be able to use it for a while… but other then that I am quite intrigued and very curious to see what developers and new creators will come up with. This new digital token-platform from BlockV might indeed be something like the killer app for crypto!

When I mentioned yesterday in the flower store on the central station of Amsterdam that there was a virtual message laying around, the three ladies behind the counter were looking at me like I am a little bit crazy. But when I explained myself, and also mentioned that a DJ might be dropping tickets like this in the nearby future, they were already less reluctant. When I mentioned they even might be tickets to attend a cool party later on… then these girls immediately were smiling and wanted to know where to download this app.

What happens once an app like this will be downloaded more than 750 million times in a few months? Yes, off course I am talking about Pokemon Go here… augmented reality’s first killer application. Or what if… in due time a lot more marketing developers will start to discover and use an application like this and advertise their special promotion? To be honest. I think they’ll have to… because some others will and just because everybody wants to keep up with their competitors, they might not want to miss the boat. Next thing you know we all be running around for some tokens!

Or what if you stroll along a nearby Starbucks shop and you get a notification on your phone that a few of these coffee-tokens have been airdropped in your wallet? Will you not go in and have a free coffee with your lunch…?

To be honest I don’t even drink coffee.. ❌☕️❌ .. so I just might leave them.. but wait, maybe there is someone who wants to buy these from me for a reasonable price? Let’s say they cost only about two euro’s... 🤣 Yes, off course we will have the possibility later on to put these on a marketplace directly.

One of these days some digital token’s market cap will be higher than that of the euro. It might be these vAtoms that will accomplish it. I wonder what that will do to the economy, to the government and to all the people running around. But I guess for now I’ll just have to keep the token a little bit longer in my wallet as a collectible.

Do let me know your thoughts about this in the comment-section below. But as always, please, do keep it polite! ;)

#blockchain #augmentedreality #blockv #vatoms #collectibles #erc725 #myfirsttoken #fantasymarketing #userinterfacemoment #peterdiamandis #idontevendrinkcoffee #hodler #tokenseverywhere

PS. If you want the latest updates you can follow me on my Instagram channel! And if you like this article you can sent me some free4you-LIKE-coin via this link! :)


