We’ve Been Fooled — How FTX Tried to Destroy Internet Computer (ICP)

Bitcoin Frontier
Published in
6 min readNov 28, 2022


We’ve been lied to and most of us fell for it. If there is one thing that you need to know in the cryptocurrency market, it is that not everything is how it appears. There are games that are being played that most of us aren’t privy to, don’t have access to, and have no idea what is happening. Games where billions of dollars are at stake, and there aren’t any rules. The only thing that matters is winning and surviving against your rivals no matter the stakes.

Today I will be telling you about Internet Computer (ICP), built by Dfinity, and how Alameda/FTX tried to destroy this project before it ever officially launched.

The Internet Computer blockchain incorporates a radical rethink of blockchain design, powered by innovations in cryptography. It provides the first “World Computer” blockchain that can be used to build almost any online system or service, including demanding web social media, without the need for traditional IT such as cloud computing services. As such it can enable full end-to-end decentralization.

Most people reading this article will already have a certain opinion about the Internet Computer…

