What bailout



Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

The difference between crypto and the traditional market is that in crypto, no one bails you out.

So why is it so difficult to bail out crypto firms rather than traditional ones?

The structure of Debt!

It is more explicit about how risky crypto compares to previous years.

I participated in the space in the early days.

With crypto evolving and mainstream adoption with many collapsed projects and trading platforms, the eagerness for crypto has become more prominent and risky.

Crypto has blurred the line between all traditional assets.

It is good and bad.

Good in the sense that crypto can become anything beneficial to own.

We saw its first attempt to become digital money through purchasing a pizza and stock-like trading asset or company shares issued through ICO.

But there is also the downside of such a blurry line: crypto inherent many flaws that traditional assets carry, such as illiquidity and over-leveraging debts.

