What if the crypto goes centralized



Photo by Lysander Yuen on Unsplash

There will more and more banks hold crypto in the coming years. Even the crypto exchange will provide crypto banking services, and it will turn crypto more like a centralized system than the decentralized one we hope to be.

How will this change the crypto landscape?

Freedom vs. Equality

There is a deep understanding of the differences between our freedom and the equality we want to achieve.

Freedom gives one power of whatever they would prefer to do, while equality forces everyone to become equal.

Such a different approach to the ideology has been seperated Bitcoin and Ethereum into the future.

Bitcoin focuses on the freedom of money without a centralized party to monitor the system to prevent inflating the cash through their power and jeopardizing the economy’s future.

Ethereum focuses on the equality that every participant joins and contributes their power to a consensus as long as they have crypto on hand. Everyone has an equal opportunity to use the…

