What Is A Blockchain Gas Fee?

5 min readJun 8, 2023


Gas fees are the costs incurred when executing a transaction on a blockchain. This article will explain what gas fees are, how they work, and their impact on the network. We will also provide information on how to find the cheapest gas fees for crypto transactions.

As the popularity of blockchain technology grows, so does transaction demand. However, unlike traditional financial systems, executing transactions on a blockchain network involves additional costs known as gas fees. These are costs associated with executing transactions on the network, and they are used to pay for the computing resources required to process the transactions.

Blockchain gas fees explained

Gas fees are a critical component of any blockchain network, including Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and others. The cost of gas fees can fluctuate significantly depending on a variety of factors, including the current network congestion, the complexity of the transaction, and the gas price that users are willing to pay. But to help users track the current gas fees and make informed decisions about their transactions, there are various gas fee trackers and crypto gas fee charts available online — i.e., Etherscan, Beaconcha.in, etc.

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Network incentives, costs, and penalties

The gas fee is calculated based on several factors, including the current network congestion,the complexity of the transaction, and the transaction type. The gas price for a transaction that interacts with a smart contract is typically higher than the gas price for a transaction that does not interact with a smart contract. This is because the execution of a smart contract’s code can be more computationally expensive than the execution of simple transactions.

For example, the gas price for a simple transaction that sends Ether from one account to another is typically around 20 Gwei. However, the gas price for a transaction that mints an NFT can be upwards of 100 Gwei.

Miners who process the transaction are incentivized with gas fees, which are deducted from the transaction amount. While gas fees provide an incentive for network participants, they can also result in penalties for users who fail to pay the required amount. In some cases, transactions with insufficient gas fees may be rejected by the network, and users may need to pay an additional fee to resend the transaction.

To get the bigger picture and transfer at the right time with the lowest gas price possible, you can refer to a few charts and tables. For example, the gas tracking service Beaconcha.in, you can use to track the historical data and see when the gas price was the highest.

Gas Price History, June 2023. Source: beaconcha.in

Also, on Etherscan, there’s the Ethereum Gas Tracker, where you can check out the latest gas rates.

Low, average and high gas fees, June 2023. Source: Etherscan

How to change the gas price after submitting the transaction

If you’ve submitted a transaction but it is stuck in the mempool because you set the gas too low, there are a few ways to increase the gas price for your transaction.

Use a wallet that supports gas boosting

Some wallets, such as MetaMask, allow you to “boost” a transaction by increasing the gas price. This will make the transaction more likely to be added to a block sooner, but it will also increase the cost of the transaction.

Send a new transaction with a higher gas price

If your wallet does not support gas boosting, you can send a new transaction with a higher gas price. This will replace the original transaction, and the original transaction will be dropped.

To do this, you will need to know the nonce of the original transaction. The nonce is a number that is used to keep track of the number of transactions that have been sent from an address. You can find the nonce of the original transaction by using a block explorer, such as Etherscan.

Once you know the nonce, you can send a new transaction with the same nonce and a higher gas price.

Why do I have to pay a gas fee?

Gas fees ensure that the network operates efficiently and securely. When you send a transaction on a blockchain, it needs to be validated by nodes on the network.

One advantage of gas fees is that they are deductible. You can deduct gas fees from your taxable income. However, the rules regarding the deductibility of these fees can be complex and may depend on various factors, such as the purpose of the transactions, the taxpayer’s jurisdiction, and the type of tax return being filed.

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How is the gas fee calculated?

The gas price is the amount of cryptocurrency the user is willing to pay per unit of gas. The gas limit is the maximum amount of gas the user is willing to pay for the transaction. The total gas fee is calculated by multiplying the gas price by the gas limit. The higher the gas price, the faster the transaction will be processed, but it will also cost more. Users can monitor gas prices and adjust their gas price and limit accordingly to ensure they are paying a fair price.

What is the gas fee for NFTs?

A gas fee on NFTs is a cost incurred when minting, buying, selling, or transferring an NFT on a blockchain network. The gas fees on NFTs may vary depending on the size of the digital asset, the number of attributes, and the popularity of the NFT platform. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that gas fees can significantly affect the cost of buying, selling, or holding NFTs, and it’s essential to factor in gas fees when making any transactions involving this type of asset.


Crypto gas fees are an essential component of the Ethereum blockchain network. By understanding how they work, users can find the cheapest gas fees for their crypto transactions, saving money on fees.

At YetAnotherDeFi, we are committed to providing users with the lowest gas fees possible, ensuring that our users can make transactions without paying exorbitant fees.

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