What is Ethereum 2.0?

Ethereum 2.0 — or ETH2 — is a frequently used term. It is considered crucial for the future of the second-largest blockchain. What it means exactly, however, is not so easy to put into clear words. We will try it nevertheless.

Published in
7 min readJun 3, 2020


There is hardly a blockchain where so much happens as on Ethereum. The home of the overwhelming majority of tokens and smart contracts, the blockchain that has the greatest appeal to developers and companies.

However, Ethereum has not yet officially taken on its true, intended shape. This is to be achieved by taking the step to “Serenity”.

Actually, the transition to Serenity was planned by a simple hard fork. Since it is considerably more complicated than initially expected, this transformation will now take place in a lengthy process. The term “Ethereum 2.0” describes both the goal and the way to get there. The word is read in many crypto media, and there are dozens, probably even hundreds of articles on it. Most of them, however, are either too simple and general or too technical and detailed.

In order to understand what ETH2 means, three texts, in particular, have helped me: The Ethereum 2.0 Roadmap on ethhub.io, Ethereum 2.0 for Dummies, written by…




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