What is the Right Price for a Bored Ape/CryptoPunks?

Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2023


NFTs: True Art or Just Hype?

Art is a conversation between creator and viewer, telling stories without words. So, yes, when I observe an NFT such as CryptoPunks or BoredApeYachtClub, I see art. It takes me on a trip — into a realm born from the mind of Satoshi and the world of mathematical property.

The best place to track NFTs

To follow the metrics about NFTs, I recommand the following platforms:

NFT Price Floor, in particular, is designed to ease your transition into this fascinating digital space. Its key features include:

  • Floor Price (i.e. lowest current listing price of an NFT): it is a crucial indicator for investors.
  • Collection Insights: a clear description and in-depth analysis of various collections are available.
  • Market Activity: the site provides a historical log of recent sales and offers, linked directly to the sales platform.
  • Traits Information: this is particularly beneficial when comparing NFTs within the same collection.

NFTs on My Investment Radar

I have got my sights on these NFTs:

  • CryptoPunks (aiming for 35ETH): The ‘OG’ of NFTs. This collection started the NFT hype and continues to remain relevant. This is the Bitcoin of the NFTs. I am very confident it is a long term winning bet. When I analyse the graph (available on NFT Price Floor), I believe any price under 40ETH represents a capitulated market.
  • BoredApeYachtClub (aiming for 25ETH): It works as a membership token of an exclusive club. Being an NFT ape holder opens the door for you to participate in events, and many other advantages that are outlined in the Bored Ape Yacht Club roadmap. When I analyse the graph, I believe any price under 27ETH represents a capitulated market.

However, as a test run for my next acquisition, I am eyeing a more budget-friendly option:

  • TRUMP Cards (aiming for about 0.05ETH): They’re budget-friendly, ideal for a trial run of my purchase procedure. Plus, there’s a robust community backing them, ready to support at all costs. It’s a valuable test-case scenario with a possible profit opportunity.

Warmly yours — PZ

***Dive deeper into the subject by exploring my other pieces***

