What Makes the Wilder Nation Special as a Community?

Published in
10 min readMar 17, 2022


‘Birds of a feather, flock together’

A Special Community

The evolution and growth of the Crypto industry has been built on the foundation of core groups of early adopters inside projects. Some of these communities have blossomed over time and become something truly big and sustainable. Once you have become immersed in the space for a prolonged time you grow the ability to find the communities that possess a certain something

It is hard to overestimate how big a deal it is to find a community that has the qualities that make it shine brightly in the midst of a sea of other projects fighting to emerge in the Crypto sphere. Communities can be said to vibrate at certain frequencies and these frequencies attract people who resonate with them. The ‘Wilder Nation’ vibrates at a level that attracts a certain character of person and their energy is unique in the Crypto space. The collective energy of all the individuals within the Wilder Nation enhances this vibration which compounds to make this community very special.

To understand what makes the Wilder Nation so special is to understand the traits and values that are within each individual Wilder. This article will journey through the minds of the Wilder team building the environment, all the way down to the passionate community members flowing with ideas and creative energy in the Discord and Twitter forums.


The size of undertaking to build out the Wilder World virtual nation should not be underestimated. Consider the quantum shift of building a 5D photo realistic metaverse experience built on Unreal Engine compared to a metaverse world such as the Sandbox built on simple pixelated graphics. With this in mind it is clear that the Wilders possess great ambition.

Hearing Quantum Wilder talk on a recent AMA, the ambition of the team became undeniably clear when he pronounced their vision to have one million people inside Wilder World at the time it opens its doors to the public.

When Hypno Wilder discussed the Wilder vision on his AMA, his excitement and enthusiasm for where the team’s current mindset is and where they want to take the project was palpable. Amongst many grand future partnerships and directions discussed, it was the comments he made around the Wilder Nation having the potential to have larger GDP then some nation states in the real world that stood out the most. He continued to disclose their vision of partnering with nation states, sovereign funds and municipalities in the future mentioning Crypto-friendly Miami as one they would embrace.

The ambitious nature of the Wilder team flows into the community-and this has become the nature of the Wilders as a whole. When you interact with the individual community members you find they have the same ambitious vision for the future. This ambition isn’t due to blinkered vision as displayed by some other communities in other projects, but ambition cemented by early proof of what the creators and builders have developed so far on the genesis of the Wilder Nation.


An overarching commonality that ripples through the entire Wilder community, from the builders on the frontier of Wilder World to the community members creating content in the social media landscape, is that of talent.

The talent pool within the Wilder team and within the community is driving the manifestation of the Wilder vision on all fronts. The world being created is being built with such distinction that the surrounding Crypto community are really starting to take notice.

Wilder talent is in no better way highlighted than when you look at the individuals creating on the frontline. The metaverse wearables being created by Pet Liger and Chad Knight are hitting new heights in terms of creativity, design, and visual quality that few other projects in the space are getting close to.

The Wilder Pets collection is currently deep down the line in development and the realism and depth of the 3D animation and art is truly mind blowing. Each individual NFT pet has animation consisting of 300 frames which totals a whopping 21 million frames for the whole collection! At only 21 years of age Wolftech, alongside Frank WIlder is realising his vision on this NFT collection and this collection is yet another glowing beacon highlighting the talent of a Wilder.

Talent is not just a feature reserved for the Wilder team. Consider the brilliant song put together by community member Jingo James which has become an anthem for the community. Also Consider the creative artwork shared throughout the community with impressive 3D art pieces being pushed out by community members like ‘Freestyle DesignWorks’. These creatives pieces are not just isolated occurrences but are just the tip of the iceberg of what is circulating within the Wilder community. Every creative Wilder will have a chance to put their fingerprint on Wiami and for it to be etched forever in the metaverse!


Inspiration is defined as ‘the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative’.

Let this statement sink in and then turn your attention to the Wilder community… It does not take long for you to realise that the actions of so many within the Wilder Nation are actual acts of inspiration to us all. The energy of these actions from these individuals spread like Wildfires to drive other Wilders to create, build, write and engage through their unique talents.

When viewing the historical portfolio of Frank Wilder’s artistic work up to his current day creatives and then viewing what N3o is achieving as the ‘architect of the technology’ you become truly inspired by what you can achieve if you make the best use of whatever talent you possess.

The story of the journey of Pet Liger, the creator of Wilder Kicks, is truly inspirational. As part of the AMA artist series, he was interviewed and discussed his rise through the creative world to become a 3D artist creating the recent Kicks NFT drop. His journey from rapping for fun in high school, to becoming a music producer and being signed to a French record label, then moving into photography and finally learning 3D art, shows what can be achieved through drive and passion for your trade.

Pet Liger described it beautifully when he said:

‘When I’m creating something it’s partly me, partly something divine, partly something in the world around me and it’s all a dance’.

Moving down from the founders and collab artists and into the community, there are so many more examples of actions by community members which are inspiring others to use their talents.

We all remember the article ‘The Open Metaverse: Definitive Guide to Zero and Wilder World’ written by Bart Hillerich. After reading such an all-encompassing, well written and defining article and then seeing the announcement months on that Bart was joining the Wilder team to be involved with content was an inspiration to all Wilders looking to create and become part of the Wilder team.

Honest and Transparent

Honesty and transparency have been recurring themes from the Wilder team throughout the building process so far. Any early mistakes with mints, roadmap timescales and other items have been openly dealt with in a transparent manner. When critical junctures have been reached the Wilder team has never been afraid to call impromptu AMAs with the community to decide as a group how best to move forward. This was highlighted with the recent polled community vote to burn remaining Wheels from the Genesis collection.

This behaviour from the team has created a culture of trust and honesty within the Wilder nation. Trust can be said to be one of the most highly valued traits that we all look for in other people and for the Wilder team to have built this so early through their actions and for this to have spread into the community is something very special.


Try spending one hour in the Wilder community Discord and ask the question what best describes the individuals in there? You will find an overspilling of passion for the project pour out from the welcoming community members you interact with every time you visit. The mod and admin team, although working, are always at hand to deal with people in such a positive way you would think they were not actually at work! This theme flows into the Twitter landscape where the passion for the project and every bit of content from the project builders or community is met with such positive and enthusiastic engagement.

Entrepreneurial and Innovative

The opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurial enterprise that exist in the physical world are magnified within the building of the virtual world in the metaverse, especially in Wilder World.

The Wilder community is full of this entrepreneurial energy and hearing the many ideas from community members who step up in AMAs and share thoughts showcases this time and time again.

One notable example of a community member who possesses the entrepreneurial mindset is Wild Bookman. An early creator of video content specialising on the Wilder World project, he has grown and continues to build a highly professional You Tube platform with insightful content that is helping the community learn about this project and the industry as a whole. A recent pivot to include content spreading out into other metaverse projects and the teaming up with Bart Hillerich bodes well for his venture.

Other community members have and are creating all sorts of tools for the community. Check out the document ‘SMA11’s Wheels Black Book’ created by @sma11. This gives an insightful evaluation of the Wheels collection with data on rarities and floor prices etc.

Togetherness and Sharing

The overwhelming core trait that defines the Wilder community and, I believe, will forever be the backbone of this first photorealistic metaverse nation to truly be a place to exist, is the feeling of oneness this community creates. It is not an exaggeration to state that most Wilders feel they are part of a broader family of interconnected people from all parts of the world, all here to be part of something special and life changing.

The Wilder World nation is being built with collaborations as an key part of the vision and this mentality of collaborating rather than competing has spread to the community members and their attitude to one another. In the Discord and Twitter spaces the community members led by the Mod teams are constantly at hand to guide and share knowledge with new settlers coming to join the movement.

Sometimes in Crypto there can be a mentality of guarding information to stop other people understanding early opportunities as it could be detrimental to that individual gaining access to that opportunity. In the Wilder Nation this is not the case. All Wilders I have come across have openly shared all opportunities to the uneducated, even though they know they could end up being someone taking a whitelist spot from them on the next drop.

With all members of the Wilder team so focused on building unity within the community it’s no surprise to learn Sunshine Wilder runs free meditation classes every week in the Discord. It’s actions like this from the Wilder team that breeds the positive flow of energy and togetherness within the community!

During the recent AMA Hypno Wilder stated the Wilder teams desire to build this metaverse world together with everyone and manifest it as a community.

Hypno Wilder: ‘We will all rise together’

The Wilder Spirit — The Conclusion

What makes the ‘Wilder Spirit’ so strong and so ingrained in the core of its community?

The answer to this question begins with the Wilder founding team…

After being immersed in the Wilder project for such a prolonged length of a time I feel well positioned to form a fair opinion on the team based not only on their words in the countless hours of content I have consumed and read but most importantly from their actions. Words can hide a team’s intentions, but actions are the evidence of a team’s true intent. The founding Wilder team have proved with both and especially their actions that the values I have discussed throughout this article are what the founding team possess in abundance.

Hypno described the building process poetically as ‘An energetic pull- The Wilder Spirit is guiding the team’

So how have the team been able to continue to grow the Wilder Nation in the mould of their own culture?

As Hypno proclaimed in the recent AMA- ‘We are very strategic with our partners and are only looking at projects that highly align to the Wilder spirit. We are really intentional about building the community and culture from the ground up’

With this mentality the Wilder community is being nurtured in a way that the core principles of what makes the Wilder Nation so special will not die out but only blossom and grow.

I would like to finish with an analogy I see befits the Wilder community perfectly.

Consider the core principles that make the Wilder nation special as a fractal pattern; Ambition, talent, inspiration, honesty, oneness, passion, entrepreneurial and sharing; this pattern being repeated at smaller and smaller scale across the whole and all its parts down to the individual community members. This is the Wilder Nation

The Wilder Nation can be said to be bringing out talent that is dormant in every Wilder- This is the power of the Wilder Spirit

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