What to Expect from iExec 2024

Moses Israel A.
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2023


iExec, the leading cloud computing platform, had a wonderful 2023. From capturing the hearts of developers to constructing timeless innovations, iExec made its stance globally in both the AI and Web3 ecosystems.

2023 and its Milestones

iExec started 2023 on a high note with an interview with Binance, the CEO Gilles did profound justice to it, highlighting what we know to be the basis of the iExec technology.

iExec’s next innovation highlighted their commitment to the community with the launch of their first Worker pass, where users earn RLC tokens for contributing their computing power. This innovation was aimed to progress scientific work and didn't go unnoticed as it ranked #21 in the #BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) world ranking of over 400,000 machines! Amazing work.

The long awaited V8 update arrived afterwards with major upgrades, the Intel SGX2 was integrated alongside the Gramine framework for Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) and in the upgrade of the SMS enclave. Asides from this update being phenomenal, it fixed a lot of question marks in the cloud computing ecosystem like faster execution of code with memory capacity enhanced whilst still being End-to-End secured.

This year, iExec had a structural approach to finding solutions, I noticed iExec highlighted alot of challenges in AI and Marketing and proceeded to implement solutions fixing these issues and more in the same ecosystem. The likes of Privacy-Enhancing Marketing, Intel SGX2 solutions were integrated by not just iExec or developers but also communities like Peanut protocol and Talent layer being active integrators.

Every year we see iExec attend top flight events, devcons and even sponsoring in some cases. These events keep the world aware of the recent innovations of iExec and latest tech stacks being implemented or in progress. This year wasn't any different as iExec was all over the globe but this time introducing the newly released iExec tools used in addressing use cases. iExec DataProtector and iExec Web3 Mail being the current flagship of this innovation.

What was different this year?

In contrast to 2023, we've seen iExec develop at a constant pace with this year being one of the best in terms of developments. A more strategic and intensive approach was adopted this year and I'll be highlighting a few.

We saw iExec take its alliance with Intel to the next level as they became a certified Gold member. Over the past years we've seen various collaborations for the blockchain and confidential computing with ventures into 5G, Proofs-of-Concept to name a few. Not forgetting, the Intel AI Builder program gave birth to the Intel SGX technology which has revolutionized the AI ecosystem.

iExec also got ranked by Binance in the top 5 AI projects by Market capitalization. Its commitment to AI-driven solutions and services facilitated this feat.

The creation of iExec tools to address use cases was another bold step by iExec, which wasted no time in terms of adoption from firms. It's fixability technique to pressing issues was a major insurance to its integration. iExec DataProtector and Web3Mail were the tools that iExec needed to usher this new phase into ecosystems and foster productivity to users.

An aspect iExec has always stood out was its commitment to enabling new startups to gain the necessary traction and support they need. The 2nd edition of the Web3 Incubator was a success with new projects announced as winners including TalentLayer, an iExec tool integrator. Also, irrespective of the ONTOCHAIN initiative at an end, its impact and success has shown how powerful partnerships between the EU and iExec can be.

Not one I was expecting but was excited about, was the iExec Learn & Earn Campaign on Revolut for RLC. This initiative, gained enough traction that made iExec rise to 18th on the Popularity ranking on Revolut, over 190k Revolut users dove into iExec's capabilities, more than $2M worth of RLC was purchased and 69% of the earned tokens were held confirming their belief in iExec. This is global scale dominance already for iExec in my books.

What to Expect….

In 2024, iExec is splitting its roadmap into 4 major areas, Adoption, Product, Tech Upgrades, and Research. This already looks exciting but expect iExec to deliver more than expected.

We'll be seeing a use case for content creators from all fields giving them back all total and exclusive power over their content, direct and personalized monetization amongst other things. This right here is a major fix to the content creation industry.

There'll also be a round 2 of the Worker pass which had a successful first phase. Remember that the iExec Worker Pass is a Utility NFT allows holders access to a public iExec Worker Pool for a special operation period. This innovation provides expansion to its community but is also a win-win situation for both iExec and users. Make sure to be there.

There'll be major updates and technology advancements but a major one to look forward to is the V9 Upgrade. Innovations never end at iExec and this time they'll be looking to provide time reduction for confidential computing processes, bolstering efficiency and usability of the platform. iExec remains keen to pushing the boundaries in confidential computing for a better future.

We can all say that in as much as iExec has had a successful and eventful year, with achievements to show, the next year will definitely be better. With its commitment unrivaled, an endless amount of success remains assured to everyone who takes part in their journey. I will be present and so should you. Until next time Zeckers, a happy new year to you.

More on the 2024 roadmap: https://trello.com/b/oSCT5z09/iexec-roadmap-milestones



Moses Israel A.

Crypto enthusiast and Team Player @ iExec | NFT | Web3