When crypto is not crypto anymore



Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Anything can happen in crypto now…

SBF still are walking free despite $10B missing from his crypto exchange. He will give a speech on Nov. 30th…

What will he discuss then?

How do I blow up $10B but survive, or how do I save crypto with only $500M margin calls?


Crypto has been detached from its original mission.

Transparent, trustless, and permissionless are deja vu now.

Transparent becomes questionable third-party audits.
Trustless becomes trust me bro vibe.
Permissionless becomes make investors’ money hostage.

Some could argue that they are all within centralized crypto exchange.

But the fact is centralized crypto exchanges played major roles in mainstream adoption, and there is no way one will ignore them to move crypto forward.

Yes, there are many decentralized crypto options that have yet to be tested.

