When slow means better



Photo by Nick Abrams on Unsplash

What is the definition of the blockchain anyway? I bet when you ask each person, they will give you their own definition of the blockchain!

However, if you want to tell your friends or family, or even stranger about what is the blockchain is few words: it is a Forever Database that people can verify anywhere at any time.

When you need to verify something, you need to spend time and slowly to ensure something is accurate. You cannot rush into finishing or it will sacrifice the quality of the work.

This is how the human brain works. However, the computer makes verification simple, fast, and error-free.

That is the different approach between Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).

PoW relies on human judgment and purposely slows down the progress of the growth to ensure such growth is as accurate as possible.

PoS relies on the machine to eliminate human involvement as much as possible and speed up its growth as much as possible.

There are different approaches to future growth, and there is no one best approach.

PoW vs. PoS

